View Full Version : Suddenly attached at bedtime??

09-21-2011, 01:21 PM
My 2-year-old is driving me CRAZY! He used to go to sleep SO easily; I didn't even have to nurse him to sleep. I would lie down with him for a while after nursing, and then kiss him goodnight. That was it. Anyone was able to put him to bed -- just snuggle for a few minutes and that's it.

Two or three weeks ago, he decided he wants me and only me, for the whole time he's asleep! If I say night-night, he screams bloody murder and asks me to "stay little bit." Even if I stay til he's asleep, he wakes the second I move.

Naps have been a disaster. It figures, since I was looking forward to "me" time every afternoon since my older son is in school now. Instead, it's taking an hour or more to get him to take a nap. I end up leaving him to cry at the door, and he climbs into bed when he's tired enough.

What is going on? Why does he want me all the time all of a sudden? Is this a stage that some kids go through? He's always been very attached to me, but bedtime/naptime was usually a breeze. This is so stressful because I have to make sure he's either awake from his nap, or in the very middle of his nap, by the time I have to pick my older son up from the school bus 1/4 mile away.

09-21-2011, 01:25 PM
Ds2 went through something similar when Ds1 went off to Kindy maybe that's part of it. It took him a little over a month to adjust and get back to better sleeping.