View Full Version : Chicco Trevi Twin Reviews?

10-09-2011, 09:02 PM
I have a 22 month old and am expecting an infant any day. I decided to invest in a BOB Duallie as my main stroller, but I do think there are situations where the BOB will be just too big (i.e. occasional mall trips, airport travel, etc.). As I was buying the BOB, I noticed that the store had a floor model of a Chicco Trevi Twin umbrella stroller on sale. I had not heard or seen of this but it was on sale for $100 as is (a few very minor imperfections from being a floor model) so I decided to pick it up. Compared to the Mac double it seemed good and a much better deal. When I got home, I researched and found that the Trevi Twin has been discontinued. Anyone have any experience with this stroller? Seeing as I already bought it, hoping it was a decent choice for occasional use and for grandparents' car, etc. Thanks!

10-10-2011, 02:11 PM
I had one with my twins a few years ago (they were about 15 months, had it until around 20 months). Generally, double umbrellas don't push all that well, but comparatively, this one wasn't bad at all! I actually liked it better than my mac...I HATED the twin techno. This one was tolerable but nothing compared to the bob (I had that too). I will admit that I got to the point as they got bigger that I would haul the Bob in and out of the car because the push was that much better. But for an umbrella double, it wasn't bad!

10-11-2011, 01:03 PM
Thanks! (I'm the OP under diff login). I know almost nothing pushes as well as the BOB, but wanted to have the more compact backup. Glad you had a pretty good experience with it! I was a little skeptical because it seems like it was discontinued over a year ago and the floor model was still hanging around, but I've tried it out with my toddler and I think it will serve it's purpose. Now just to make room in the garage for the Duallie!!