View Full Version : When are you telling?

10-20-2011, 11:20 AM
For some reason, with this pregnancy, I really have no desire to tell anyone. It is a planned pregnancy, and I am excited about having another child, but I guess I'm just not jumping up and down about it, and overall feel pretty tired and yucky. I have told 4 people, and none are family: my trainer was first b/c she kept getting on my about not working as hard, two neighbors found out when we were out to dinner and one flat out asked when I didn't order a drink with dinner, and I told my best friend last week. I spent the past weekend with my entire family (parents, siblings, sib-in-laws) and had no desire to tell any of them. I guess I'm not ready for it to become the #1 topic of conversation. The only time I want to tell is when I feel like crap, then I want to say "leave me alone, I'm pregnant."

Am I the only one feeling like this? Have you told/ when did you tell?

FWIW, with DS, I told immediate family within a week of BFP, work and extended family at 9 weeks. I am currently 8 weeks, 1 day, and had a normal ultrasound this a.m.

10-20-2011, 11:27 AM
This is our third pregnancy. It was not planned. Since I'm inching toward 40 in a couple of years, we wanted to wait until the 2nd tri to share the news. However, by week 6, immediate family and work had figured it out. Morning sickness hit with a vengeance and it was written all over my face.

10-20-2011, 03:05 PM
I told my parents, and my BFF. I really needed the support, as I was an emotional wreck when I found out about our little surprise.

But we are waiting on telling anyone else, and the kids until the second trimester. Only 4 more weeks to go! My belly-bump is clearly showing if I wear anything form fitting though, so it may be hard to keep it a secret until then :)

10-20-2011, 03:09 PM
I think I am weird, but with both pregnancies I actually dislike telling most people I am pregnant. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. The only person I was excited to tell this time around is my sister because she is pg too and we were hoping to be pg together so I knew she would be excited. We told my parents and DH's parents at around 9 weeks (after we had the confirmation ultrasound). I told my boss at work at 12 weeks and my aunts around 12 weeks as well. With the issues we had with bleeding, we didn't tell any of our friends until 14 weeks and we have only told our close friends. The only reason we decided to tell our friends was that we are seeing some of them this weekend and it is pretty hard to hide that I am PG now. Otherwise, I think we would have waited a few more weeks.

10-20-2011, 03:16 PM
I also dislike sharing the news.

For Ds1 it must have been 16 weeks or so and I finally caved to Dh's pressure. Ds2 we told after the 20 wk u/s.

This pregnancy most people just before or around 20 weeks. There are some people I have not told yet, but I am losing track of who does/does not know.

10-20-2011, 05:17 PM
I told my boss at 8 weeks. I work in an industrial space, so I really needed to.

I told our Mom's at 8 weeks.

I told close friends, co-workers and all of you at BBB at 10 weeks.

I told Facebook level friends at 12 weeks.

I would have waited until 2nd tri but was too excited, had too many questions and I am not good at shutting up.

10-20-2011, 05:28 PM
With dd2 only DH until I had the nuchal fold test so I was 11 weeks along then and I just told my parents and siblings; two weeks later we told my grandparents because my grandpa was dying. With the two prior pregnancies I told my siblings, parents and best friends at around 8 weeks. With Dd2 I told my a few co workers at 13 weeks also, but most of them didn't figure it out till around 16-17 weeks:).

(no I am not currently pregnant)

10-20-2011, 05:37 PM
I also don't really like telling people. With DD1, we told our families at 8 weeks, our best friends at 13, and the rest of the world at 20.

With Baby2, it was harder to hide, so we started telling around 10-12 weeks.

10-20-2011, 07:01 PM
I'm 11 weeks and no one knows except my sister who has figured it out. I think we'll tell family next week and I would like to wait to tell other till our next appt, but that isn't for another 4 weeks. People at story time are going to figure it out soon as some of the moms keep asking if I'm feeling ok and I know I look awful. Not to mention the fact that I'm starting to show.

10-21-2011, 01:23 AM
With DS, DH told his parents so he could explain why I didn't eat the seafood MIL made. That was a little before the end of 1st trimester. We told my family a week after that. I called one of my best friends at around 20 weeks, because we went through similar life changes (college, grad school, marriage).

With DC2, we just told both sets of parents two weeks ago at 13 weeks. I emailed my sisters that same time. But I had told my mommy friend at around 7 weeks or so. She's the one I see most, and we workout and talk a lot. I didn't want to hide it from her, and it was nice to have someone to talk about my pregnancy. I also emailed the same girlfriend mentioned above the week I took my pregnancy test because she is also expecting.

10-22-2011, 08:05 AM
I'm almost 13 weeks and still haven't told many people. My partner at works knows but only out of necessity. We have a nuchal scan on Monday, so if everything looks okay we will probably tell close friends/family. I plan to tell the rest of my work around 18-20 weeks and I also plan on telling my kids around then too.

10-22-2011, 08:17 AM
Telling people is very awkward for me. This time was so different because I have in the back of my head the fear of how heartbroken my girls would be if something went wrong. Last time, that wasn't a concern. Still we wound up telling the girls and most people around 6 weeks IIRC. I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow.
Jackie, I can't believe you can go that far without telling. I was HUGE by 17 weeks with the girls. Hoping that is not the case this time since it is not twins, but I still can't imagine hiding it for so long! You must carry very well!

10-22-2011, 11:22 AM
I have told a couple very close friends, but we will wait to tell everyone else around 12 weeks. I don't even have my first appointment until 11 weeks, so I want to make sure everything looks ok at the first ultrasound.

I don't currently have a job so that is not an issue, but I imagine I would have some suspicious minds wondering, because the morning sickness has been awful this time around.

10-22-2011, 11:57 AM
We have told our families and close friends. We will probably start telling people after our 12 week appointment next week. Or maybe we'll wait until the ultrasound the next week. I'm really not in a hurry for the general public to know.

Also, pretty much everyone I work with knows because I there are a lot of patients I can't take care of now, people were getting suspicious of why they had to keep covering my patients during xrays, etc...

10-22-2011, 12:55 PM
I was just wondering when to tell everyone. This is baby # 3 and I am 11 weeks, but feel like it is harder because DD1 is 3 so she will definitely understand more this time around- she was only 1 when we got pregnant with DD 2 so that was a nonissue. Waiting almost 30 more weeks seems like SO long for a 3 year old. We told family and close friends around 12 weeks with my other 2.
We go for the nuchal translucency test on Thursday (12 weeks) so will probably tell family and close friends after that. Is it realistic to announce to others, but not tell my DDs until the 20 week u/s so we can tell them if it is a brother or sister? Although at the rate I feel like I am showing, even my 3 year old will probably notice soon :-)
I did tell my sister though, because we are very close and she is over a few times a week with her DS and I couldn't wait to tell someone!!

10-22-2011, 01:07 PM
I know I've shared this before, but I have a fun story. This is how I was "outted" at work long before I planned. I'd told my boss and close teammates but wasn't planning to tell regular staff or clients until at least month 4.

I was in an office, seated behind a computer desk (so only visible from the mid-torso up.) I was NOT showing yet, wearing my regular clothes. I'd actually lost weight from morning sickness/flu.

A young man comes in - he has intense autism - he's a guy I only see 5-6 times a year. He looks at me for 5 seconds, then says: "Hey Uno-Mom. You look fatter than before. Are you pregnant?"

THANK you very much for that. I really appreciate how you phrased it. :) I still have no idea what visual or behavior cue he saw in me. Maybe face shape? Or color? Anyway, of course he was with a major blabbermouth assistant who spread the word to the whole agency! Hee hee.

10-24-2011, 05:06 PM
I think I am weird, but with both pregnancies I actually dislike telling most people I am pregnant. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. The only person I was excited to tell this time around is my sister because she is pg too and we were hoping to be pg together so I knew she would be excited. We told my parents and DH's parents at around 9 weeks (after we had the confirmation ultrasound). I told my boss at work at 12 weeks and my aunts around 12 weeks as well. With the issues we had with bleeding, we didn't tell any of our friends until 14 weeks and we have only told our close friends. The only reason we decided to tell our friends was that we are seeing some of them this weekend and it is pretty hard to hide that I am PG now. Otherwise, I think we would have waited a few more weeks.

I'm the same way-and was with DD1 also. Almost 14 weeks now and still have just told family. It's been easy bc I've been sick as a dog and haven't gone ANYWHERE for 2 + months. But I so hate just blurting it out....dreading it this time.

10-24-2011, 07:39 PM
But I so hate just blurting it out....dreading it this time.

This is me. I hate that moment. And then waiting for the person's reaction, especially family and work. My mom doesn't react very well to stuff in general, she either over or under reacts. With DS, her main concern was what he would call her. And I told her when I was 6 wks. At work, I basically have to do a big announcement, because it's a small office, so there is no just telling my immediate supervisor. And then everyone is in my business for the whole time until I deliver. I have been having some pretty bad nausea, though, so I guess it's going to be sooner rather than later. Ugh.