View Full Version : Question for mom's of kids w/FAs

10-21-2011, 08:09 PM
Today, a new girl in the neighborhood was playing with my DD outside. My DD had just had a cookie before going out, must have mentioned it to the girl, and came in asking me if the new girl could see the cookies and read the ingredients. I know she has a nut allergy, but only b/c the mom of another girl this new girl plays with told me. I quickly scanned the ingredients, noticed it had the "made in facility" warning on it, and told new girl it has nuts and offered her something else (we have safe snacks b/c DD is in a nut-free classroom). The girl is 8, almost 9.

So, my question is, at what age do you trust your DC to read labels and determine safe foods for themselves? Not sure if the mom knows her DD is doing this, or if I should mention it? My DD is almost 8, and I know I wouldn't trust her to accurately read a label, but maybe if she had been dealing with a FA all this time, she would be a pro.