View Full Version : jean/style recommendations?

11-25-2011, 05:20 PM

I am petite (5') and apple shaped, i.e. carry extra pounds in my midsection but my legs are leaner than my upper body. I am having hard time finding a jean that fits. I don't like low-rise jeans since I get muffin top in them, especially since tops are so tight these days. Anyone know of a brand/model that could work for me? I am actually pretty much frustrated by the recent fashion trends and I am having such a hard time finding something that would look modern and fit to my body.

Thanks for any pointers.

11-25-2011, 06:15 PM
I have a thicker midsection (boy shaped though - no hips), and I find that GAP 1969 jeans allow for room in the tummy area. Plus, they seem to have a natural waist, which is hard to find these days!