View Full Version : Need your opinions about this behavior?

11-28-2011, 01:15 AM

I have a healthy, active 26 month old son. He is sociable, curious, outgoing and very talkative.

In the past 4 months he has become very independent. Some of this has to do with hi attending Montessori school. He is also constantly testing our boundaries. We have tried giving him time-outs but they are not working.
His teachers used to tell us that he is a sweet boy and has a vocabulary of a 3-4 year old child but now they are telling us that he is not listening to them.

Just today when we told him to stop doing something he told us to stop doing it. He told us that he will spit the food when he is at the restaurant. He also threatened to scratch me even though he has never actually scratched anyone.

He has been walking on this toes since he began walking. He does not do this all the time. We have talked about this with his pediatrician and he has told us that he is not worried. He examined his legs and feet and they were fine. We are constantly reminding him to keep his feet down but he still walks on toes.

Another thing we have noticed is that he only wants to wear clothing with full sleeves. Even when he is wearing them if the sleeve is not reaching his hands it really bothers him. When we put him in his car seat the sleeves in his jacket get pulled up. He cries until with pull the sleeves back. Even when we put him to bed we have to make sure that sleeves are pulled all the way down or he cannot sleep.

Should any of this be a cause for concern? Let us know if you have any suggestions for us.