View Full Version : How am I going to get through this day?

11-28-2011, 12:31 PM
This could easily be in the bitching post but I'm posting here because I'll take any pointers you can throw out!

I misread an email and found out (last night!) that my blog articles are due TODAY and not on Thursday as I had previously thought. I'm unprepared to put it mildly. Of four, I have one nearly finished, two with major revisions needed and one that has yet to be written! DS3 has been SO fussy (which is why I'm as behind as I am!) and DS2 is also home although he is very easy and will watch Dinosaur Train all day if need be. I have an endo appointment for DS1 right after school this afternoon in the heart of LA and I expect it will take about 6 hours including travel time, waiting, etc.


Thing is, I'm having a hard time focusing on my articles not only because of the distractions that DS3 provides (he's two months old for reference!) but I'm moving on Saturday. As in moving all of our possessions, changing schools for DS1 and all kinds of craziness. I need peace and tranquility to write at my best and can't figure out how to get it!

DS3 is currently asleep in the Baby Bjorn as I sit here and type this. I'm going to try to get back to my articles. Any suggestions for how to get four articles done in five hours while dealing with major stress?

Thanks in advance!!


11-28-2011, 12:51 PM
Drop in child care?

Re-use some content from previous articles?

Provide updates to previous articles?

Are you restricted on topic? Can you write about this particular experience?

Quotes. Use other people's words and lots of 'em!

11-28-2011, 01:25 PM
Thank you for your suggestions. One article down. I'm going to see what I can "reuse" that's a good idea!

11-28-2011, 01:58 PM
I feel like I need a vacation just having read that!

Is not meeting the deadline an option? Cancelling the appointment? Can someone else take him to the appointment? Is there anyone you can call to watch the kids for a few hours so that you can go elsewhere and write? Is there anything we can help you with?

In any case, I'd start with the one that is nearly finished, then tackle the revisions. If nothing else, those 3 would be done.

The only other advice I can offer is to just remind yourself that sometimes "good enough" really is good enough.

You can do it! We're rooting for you! :cheerleader1:

11-28-2011, 03:01 PM
All great responses so far. Is there anyway you can get an extension on any of the articles? Even just one more day on one article might help make things a little more do-able.

11-28-2011, 04:53 PM
Can one article be a kind of "survey of the field" article where you basically provide a collection of curated links on a given topic? Say you're writing about...I dunno...how to make your own cheese. You could write a short intro, link to some sources that describe various techniques, link to a few stores that sell supplies, etc. Or maybe you're writing about a somewhat controversial topic. Link to several thoughtful pieces from reliable sources that offer competing perspectives.

Good luck!

11-28-2011, 05:14 PM
You could make one from your original post.

11-28-2011, 06:08 PM
Hi guys. I made it. I'm not 100% pleased with my articles but they're okay. Actually the topics are great, it is the editing and fine tuning that are not up to my usual standards. Hopefully if anything is egregious I'll get the opportunity to fix before publication.

I'm a "mommy blogger" and write about my child's diagnosis (Type 1 Diabetes). I normally love, love, love my job. I hope I can keep up with it but days like today I wonder.

I wrote the last article as a response to a previous article so thanks for suggesting that.

BTW, I know it is now possible to do a great deal of writing while carrying your 2mo in a Baby Bjorn. Thank heaven for that thing or I wouldn't have gotten a thing done!

DS2 (4yo) watched TV and ate tortillas all day. Not my finest moment in journalism or parenting. But what's done is done. Thanks for reminding me that sometimes good enough just has to be good enough!

Off to pick up DS1 and on to the six hour endo appointment, grrr.