View Full Version : Cortisone/steroid shots

12-05-2011, 09:49 AM
Anyone ever had the first one not do anything at all but subsequent ones did?

I had injections in four facet joints Friday morning. It hurt like hell when they did it, especially the left side (like I was in tears) but then absolutely no additional pain since but also no relief. I mean I was given a sheet that said I might need ice packs, I should take it easy that day, I needed someone to drive me home...but I walked out fine!

I am reading that chronic pain might take multiple injections but also that it doesn't work for everyone. If nothing at all seems to have happened (except my blood sugars through the roof--which they did warn me about) are the chances of any additional injections working worth trying?

12-05-2011, 09:52 AM
I have a friend that gets them for chronic back problems. I know they take about 2 weeks to take effect and give her relief. I'm sorry that you're hurting. :(

12-05-2011, 10:40 AM
I may need to give it more time then. I had read I should be feeling some relief in 48 to 72 hours but maybe I jumped the gun. I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks so hopefully by then...

I was cautiously optimistic but also doubtful. Most treatments that work for "90% of people" NEVER seem to work for me! I guess I'm just special. :ROTFLMAO:

12-05-2011, 10:43 AM
I had a cortisone shot in my wrist for carpal tunnel which was done by my PCP and it did nothing. Then about 6 months later I had a second done by a hand specialist and it worked (I felt immediate relief which I did not with the first shot).

12-05-2011, 07:08 PM
Most docs I know will do two, and if no results happen, stop. Yes, it hurts more the first day or so.