View Full Version : Can I bread oysters a day ahead of time?

12-22-2011, 07:03 PM
So that I don't have to spend the entire day in the kitchen on Christmas Eve, I'm doing some things ahead.

So, do you think I can bread the oysters (for fried oysters) on Friday? Flour, egg, cracker crumbs. I've done it with chicken cutlets before and iirc they were ok.

I'm exhausted already. Wow.

12-23-2011, 07:15 AM
I've never breaded anything a day in advance but I would give it a try in order to save time. I'm all about enjoying time with family and getting out of the kitchen!

Not quite the same, but I bread fish filets and leave them in the fridge for several hours (8-10) before baking them and they always come out fine.