View Full Version : Clumpy periods - Way too much information

12-28-2011, 09:29 AM
This is definitely going to be TMI but I'm posting it anyway. Ever since my period returned after my second child, it has been different. Over the last four years it is has gotten what I can only describe as clumpier. On the second day of my period it comes out in huge clots. And I mean huge. After that it is very light. It is not painful or anything. And all of my annual gyn exams have been perfect. So I'm not really concerned about it. But it is just inconvenient as there is nothing that is even remotely enough to absorb or catch it all. I have tried tampons and the diva cup. I now use an Instead softcup with a back up pad and that seems to work best. But still on that second day, if I don't go to the bathroom every hour and a half I am in trouble. Last night I made a mess all over my boyfriend's car. We were out for not even 2 hours but it just exploded everywhere. That goodness he has black leather seats and I don't think he really noticed (it was very dark out or he was at least polite enough to pretend not to notice and just leave me be as I cleaned it up) but I was mortified.
I guess this post is part bitch part curious to see if anyone else loses their uteral lining in clumps like me.

12-28-2011, 10:49 AM
I lose what looks like tissue. It's really like I am seeing he lining. But, it doesnt sound nearly to the degree you are dealing with. I get a few/ cycle but they don't cause any messy problems. I did freak out about it though since that's not how my pd used to be. Dr. Google told me all was well. I am 99% sure I asked my midwives too and all was ok.

12-28-2011, 11:59 AM
I've noticed mine's become more clumpier since I had the IUD. It usually passes when I pee mostly, huge clots. I go through thick pads very fast but I don't have the same problem as you do probably because I mostly passes mine when I sit to pee. I never really thought about it as I thought its due to the IUD.

12-28-2011, 12:05 PM
Ah, I have an IUD too (copper). Maybe.

12-29-2011, 11:41 PM
no advice, just some BTDT commiseration on the leaking. I empty my diva every 1-2 hours the first two days of my period, and often it is already starting to overflow in that time frame (so much for the 12 hour thing). My body laughs at tampons - the blood literally just flows out around them. Mine is not always clumpy, but ridiculously heavy (no pain or cramping thankfully), and not to alarm you but it's gotten progressively worse after each child (I just had my 6th last March, and despite breastfeeding around the clock, my periods return 6-8 weeks postpartum). I work in OB, so if you were to see me in the office, I'd check your thyroid and a CBC, maybe some other basic clotting tests, do a vaginal culture to rule out infection or sexually transmitted disease and make sure your PAP is current and normal. If it is bothersome, there are some options for you to discuss with your health care provider, and it might be worth it to make an appt just to rule out any of the above issues and talk about some ways to manage it. My previous OB (after baby #5) recommended a 3 month trial of OCPs (which I refused for religious reasons, but would be a reasonable option if you did not have those objections), or a D&C to "reset" my endometrium. My current OB recommended Lysteda, a non-hormonal med used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding when hormones can not be used, but it has the side effect of slightly increasing your risk for blood clots, and since I have an autoimmune condition that predisposes me to blood clots, my husband and I felt it wasn't worth the risks since I am not anemic nor having any pain or other issues other than the inconvenience of the bleeding. But there are options for you if it becomes enough of an issue...


12-29-2011, 11:54 PM
I'm also one who has extremely heavy and clumpy AFs, esp for the first 48 hrs. Like the pp, I have to empty my diva cup at least every 1-2 hrs AND wear a heavy maxi pad, since it usually leaks anyway. By day three, things slow down and I don't have leakage issues. However, I just lose so much blood those first 48 hrs, that nothing can stop it. Tampons were a joke. Idk what I would do w/o the diva. It has gotten worse for me with each child as well and I'm afraid of clotting issues, so don't want to take any hormones. It's bad enough that on those days, I try to stay at home, since I have to use the bathroom so often.

12-30-2011, 11:39 AM
Since having kids I also have a crazy heavy flow which starts the second day and lasts for one day. I've learned I have to check regularly or it can be a huge problem -- I had a major accident one day and it was very embarrassing. :o

01-01-2012, 10:34 AM
My mother started having much heavier periods in her 30s. She finally went to her GYN who told her that she had massive fibroids.