View Full Version : How do you organize your refridgerator?

02-09-2012, 12:47 PM
Little bottles, big bottles, leftovers, all jammed in wherever possible.

After discovering hummus close to expiring stuffed at the back, I realize I need to organize my fridge.

Anyone have any great ideas or tips?

02-09-2012, 02:04 PM
No great ideas - I have that problem too! But I have been trying to be better lately. Here's what I have been trying to do to avoid that...

Different types on foods on different shelves/sides.
-Shelves are : 1) Drinks on top, 2) cheese/yogurt/dairy on next shelf, 3) meats on next (lunch meat on one side, dinner stuff on other) and 4) prepackaged stuff, leftovers in tupperware and big containers (like tub of spinach, ready made mashed potatoes, etc.) on bottom shelf.
-Drawers: 1) Fruit, 2) veggies
-Door shelves: 1) eggs and butter, 2) frequently used condiments/sauces like ketchup, mustard, pasta sauce etc. 3) marinades, salad dressings etc. 4) sweet stuff like jelly, whipped cream, syrup

I shop once a week and try to clean out the fridge each week before I put stuff away and toss anything spoiled/questionable.

I have also started stacking things in the order they expire so that the meat, yogurt etc. that needs to be used first is in the front or on top. This seems to really help.

I have also been keeping a sharpie by the fridge and labeling jars, leftovers etc. with the date they were opened or made which helps too.

I also just started planning our dinners each week and listing them on a posted calendar, which is helping me use what I bought before I forget about it and find it spoiled!