View Full Version : How do you deal with stress?

02-24-2012, 03:16 AM
I just want to hide under my bed covers and never come out of my room, or eat every single piece of chocolate within a 5 mile radius.

02-24-2012, 09:57 AM
hugs, that was me last week. I forced myself out, went to the gym and then planed some fun stuff for the weekend. This week has been a little better...

02-24-2012, 10:09 AM
Not well :(

02-24-2012, 10:10 AM
Well, this is going to sound odd but I am a proud graduate of cognitive behavior therapy. I often write down the thought I am having and then figure out if I am predicting the future, catastrophizing, overgeneralizing (e.g., my career will be over). Then I try to come up with a more reasonable thought. THEN I eat chocolate. :)

I also find it helpful to think through a little how I would handle x or y worst case scenario - - if I am truly distraught I have to ask myself how I would advise a friend to handle the same X or Y if it happened to her. I usually am much better at advising others than myself so this can work well!

02-24-2012, 10:52 AM
i break down what is stressing me to actionable items, i address what i can and then dismiss what i can't. No use being stressed over that which i can't control and if i am doing all i can to help something, then no use stressing over that either.

and then i eat ice cream

02-24-2012, 10:57 AM
I make very detailed lists with time frames on when to complete it. I make sure that each item on the list is something I can do in an hour or less. If it takes more than an hour, I break it down further. For example, if I need to clean the kitchen but that would take 2 hours, I split it out into empty and refill the dishwasher, wipe down kitchen surfaces, sweep kitchen floor, mop kitchen floor, clean out fridge, clean behind fridge etc. etc. That way I feel accomplished as I finish each thing and seeing a list get ticked down is the easiest way to reduce my stress level.

I also delegate tasks if I am feeling overwhelmed. I ask DH to help or I insist we hire help (that is how I got my cleaning lady) or I ask my Mom to come up and babysit DD for a few hours so I can do things toddler free.

Lastly, I make time to go to a yoga class every week. That 75 minutes is my only "me-time" and it makes a huge difference in my stress level.

02-24-2012, 11:14 AM
Like pp, NOT WELL. Actually, I think I need to close this thread because it is going to make me anxious!

02-24-2012, 11:14 AM
I go to the most challenging Pilates class I can find. Or a meyer lemon martini.

02-24-2012, 11:56 AM
I read crafty blogs, take an energy pill, and start creating something or cleaning. Getting lots done makes me feel better about life and helps me clear my mind. A benefit of this is a great sleep aferwards!

(Yes, I realize most of you all will frown at the energy pill part:))

02-24-2012, 11:58 AM
i break down what is stressing me to actionable items, i address what i can and then dismiss what i can't. No use being stressed over that which i can't control and if i am doing all i can to help something, then no use stressing over that either.

Very guy.

and then i eat ice cream
Are you sure you're a guy?

I tend to bottle up stress, and I tend to stress-eat. I agree that exercise is the better way to go. Hope things lighten up for you soon.

02-24-2012, 12:41 PM
I've done CBT for anxiety and refer back to those lessons learned.

I had been taking a supplement called Gaba, but wasn't sure if it was doing very much. I stopped and have realized my stress has skyrocketed. I'm ordering more today.

Exercise helps me, but I have a hard time getting to the gym...

02-24-2012, 12:57 PM
#1 - vent to my girlfriends (NOT dh, who is very unhelpful in such situations) here or IRL

#2 - eat :(

#3 - try to focus on things within my power and not obsess about the things beyond my control (i.e. I go for my annual check-up and mammogram to detect BC early, then I forget about BC.)

#4 - try to figure out why I am stressing out - face my fears and often find they are irrational fears (this one is hardest for me)

Exercise helps, too (followed by a dip in the spa).

02-24-2012, 08:42 PM
Thanks all...lots of good ideas.

After posting last night, I went to bed and got 7 hours sleep instead of my usual 5.5-6 hours and I'm feeling better able to cope today. I know my sleep is off because of my thyroid. I get my test results Monday and my Dr. will increase my medication if need be. It does affect how I cope with stress as well.

School is absolutely crazy, but it's not knowing about DH's job that is pushing me over the edge. In my BP, someone called it a rollercoaster ride, and it sure is.