View Full Version : Am I wearing this right?

03-15-2012, 01:25 AM
We've just started trying our Ergo with our almost 5 month old. I get her in, but it seems her face is right where the staps are--if she looks to the side. Is this normal? She's trying to turn her head to see something (she's used to facing out), but I feel like these straps just keep rubbing against her face--and she doesn't like that. Is she too low? Too high? Or is she in right and this is just the way it is?

03-15-2012, 02:30 AM
We started to use the Ergo in full earnest closer to 6 months/16 pounds or so. She might need a rolled up receiving blanket under her butt until she is tall enough to sit up higher than where the straps start. If it isn't a height issue, then yes, the straps will be in her line of vision. They learn pretty quickly how to look around and make it work.

03-15-2012, 12:02 PM
Thanks. I'll try the blanket. She's already over 16 lbs, but I'm not sure if she's tall, short, or just average for her age.