View Full Version : Yes, I took up two spaces

03-29-2012, 06:08 PM
in the parking lot today. They are small spaces, and I couldn't open either side door far enough to get the baby's carseat back into the car after lunch (not with him in it anyway). I parked the stroller behind my vehicle and opened the back of the CRV to stard changing older son's diaper while I waited.

When the car on one side pulled out, I went and opened my car door on that side until I could get DS2 in. While I was still changing the diaper, a car actually pulled into the spot even though the very next spot was empty along with several others around us. They were very slow and careful not to hit my door.

Then I heard, "EXCUSE ME, Shut your door so I can get out of my car!". I went and closed it and said, "I'm sorry, but I didn't realize that anyone would need this space since there are so many empty ones". She said something back in the same mean tone that she initially used, but I was already back changing the diaper and didn't listen.

Seriously though. If you choose to park next to my open door in order to be 3feet closer to the store then it really isn't my fault, and I am GLAD that my door was open or else I could have been stuck waiting for who knows how long.

03-29-2012, 07:53 PM
This sounds just as fun as fighting with your toddler about getting in the car seat while someone else waits for your pareking spot, honking at you. I mean, if you are parked in your spot, not obstructing traffic, you ought to be allowed to take the time you need to get situated...even if it does require a diaper change.

I hope she gets a fly stuck in her twisty straw. ;)

03-30-2012, 10:15 PM
I hope she gets a fly stuck in her twisty straw. ;)

Oooooooh. Best.Curse.Ever.