View Full Version : Mad Men anyone? (SPOILERS)

04-23-2012, 01:37 PM
Last night's episode was amazing!

How crazy are Don and Megan?! I found myself being horrified and then feeling almost hysterical at the end. Like that manic, terrifying moment where you end up feeling like laughing. I felt disturbed.
I can't believe he just left her at the HoJo (and was I the only person who kept thinking, "hey that's where all the BBB'er stay when they come to DL!"). So is their problem that they work together? I can't get Matt Weiner's quote that "we already know what's wrong with Don and Megan and it's not what you think" line out of my head. I mean it just cannot continue to work where he is both her husband and her boss. But the violence between them was frightening. Maybe it's as simple as he is an abuser.

Ginsberg's Martian/concentration camp speech. Wow, I can see how Peggy was moved/upset.
And I totally feel for Peggy trying to find her way in her career. I can totally relate to her going off on a client. I remember in my own career one point where I felt like standing up to a client was the right thing to do. It backfired on me too. :shrug:
I feel like she is at the point where if Don would have gotten on her case about the pitch (he obviously had other things on his mind), she would have justifiably told him to blow it out his ass.

I loved the whole different perspectives of the same block of time thing.

Gotta love Roger, taking the whole LSD thing i stride. I guess he did find his truth.

I loved Bert giving Don a spanking at the end too. He deserved it, big time.

I am going to need to rewatch this one! One of the best ones yet (my favorite was the one with Don and Peggy, where he totally breaks down in front of her but then acts all normal the next day.)

BTW, this has been my first place to check every Monday. Love there synopses on the overall episode as well as the fashion.

04-23-2012, 02:33 PM
I love how under times of duress Don forgets that he is Don. He called Peggy in a drunken panic and said "Don didn't get any calls."

04-23-2012, 02:33 PM
I'm always watching things distracted....last night I watched while applying for a job...but I plan to watch again with DH tomorrow night (I don't tell him I've often watched recorded shows more than once....)

Anyway, I thought Don & Megan were crazy, especially him on his knees telling her he didn't know what he'd do without her...

Peggy...I can so relate, and she was dead on in her assessment of Don...where the heck is he...not at work.

The different perspectives thing made it harder for me to follow distracted...hence I definitely must watch again!

04-23-2012, 02:37 PM
I love how under times of duress Don forgets that he is Don. He called Peggy in a drunken panic and said "Don didn't get any calls."

I think he was actually talking about Dawn his secretary. But yes, her name adds some confusion!

04-23-2012, 02:49 PM
Don and Megan are crazy together. Don treated her appallingly. She was rightfully irritated that he took her away on the day she wants to be in on the pitch to Heinz. She clearly wants to be more involved in work and does not like being pigeonholed into her role of Don's wife instead of having an actual career. Then he orders for her at the restaurant, when she said she wanted pie, which sets off their big argument. He wants a wife in the Betty mold. Megan came across very sympathetically in this episode, whereas in other episodes she has seemed somewhat childish compared to Don. I think their problems are only going to get bigger as the feminist movement takes off.

I loved Bert in this episode. He is more involved in the firm's business than Don is.

The Ginsberg scene was really interesting. I hope they give him a bigger storyline.

04-23-2012, 02:57 PM
Okay, I loved that episode. One of the best tv episodes I've ever seen.

Loved the postmodern take --showing events from the major players' perspectives and then the conversation about truth and relativity. It was brilliant on so many levels.

ETA: DH and I watched in the bedroom where we have the Closed Captioning on (so we can watch without sound when other is sleeping) and I didn't catch until I read the CC that one of the guys at the party was supposed to be Timothy Leary (who I actually saw speak when in college--he was still relatively lucid ;-).

04-23-2012, 02:59 PM
I love this show but I really can't watch it at 10 pm on Sunday nights. It gets me in a bad mood. Like I just get grouchy and think about it for an hour or more, and then 6 am is too early. I love the show... but I need to watch the DVR at 7, not 10.

I did love this episode. I wasn't too troubled by Don leaving her... as I have friends whose boyfriends (not husbands) have done that on a date when a fight comes up. But pause... these days that isn't a huge deal b/c we all have cell phones. I can't imagine how terrifying it would have been for Megan!

The concentration camp/adoption thing was very interesting too, can't wait to see how that evolves.

04-23-2012, 03:49 PM
I'm liking this season more now. I wasn't in to the first 1-2 episodes. Now it's picking up!

04-23-2012, 04:05 PM
Is it online? I couldn't find previous episodes past the season opener online. I don't have cable anymore. I'm so intrigued! Spanking?!

04-23-2012, 04:12 PM
Is it online? I couldn't find previous episodes past the season opener online. I don't have cable anymore. I'm so intrigued! Spanking?!

It was a verbal spanking. ;)
Bert was telling Don that he needed to focus more on work instead of his personal life or something to that effect, and Don took it as personal advice and he told Bert it was none of his business. To which Bert replied something like, "Oh no, this IS my business."
Meaning that Don's work and how it affects their company is most definitely his business.

04-23-2012, 04:19 PM
Ok, gotcha ;)
The other has me totally laughing and scratching my head, lol.

04-23-2012, 10:34 PM
We just watched. (We also can't watch at 10pm, it's late and I'm old. ;)) What a great episode!!

Roger on LSD was hilarious. The way she was acting, I thought Peggy was on lsd! :p Bert giving Don a kick was great, he deserved it. The whole Megan/HoJo thing was just weird. I cannot figure them out.

I really liked the three different views of the storyline.

Love this show!!!

04-23-2012, 10:41 PM
I think he was actually talking about Dawn his secretary. But yes, her name adds some confusion!

Well, that makes sense! But the other way seemed awfully compelling too!

04-24-2012, 09:43 PM
BTW, this has been my first place to check every Monday. Love there synopses on the overall episode as well as the fashion.

Thanks for sharing this blog link! I love mad men; the last episode was amazing, but I'm amazed by the mad style blog and how detailed and meticulous the show stylist is with every episode.