View Full Version : Remicade Users Past and Present

04-26-2012, 04:38 PM
I know there are a few on the board who have or are using Remicade currently. I think I remember a few who had SOs that may have taken it. This comes up at least once a year from my GI that I need to be on it. I have always said I wanted to wait until I was done having kids, but my dr feels I need to be on it to stay in remission. I recently did the pill camera and there are ulcers indicating active disease, even though I am not having symptoms. I am about 90% sure that I am going to start it. There are various things I need to have done before I can start it, one being a chest X-Ray. Since I might be pregnant I didn't do that today.

I am just curious what is the length you or your SO has been on it? What sort of side effect you had? How did you fit the infusions into your work schedule? Did you start out taking it weekly and then built up to going every 6-8 weeks?

Thanks for any help!

Just as a reference: I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2003. I have take azasan and various other meds. I am only currently taking Pentasa. I have had a resection done.

04-26-2012, 05:55 PM
I almost forgot an important questions. Did any of you breast feed while on it? I was unable to with DS, because of the meds I was taking.

04-26-2012, 06:05 PM
I almost forgot an important questions. Did any of you breast feed while on it? I was unable to with DS, because of the meds I was taking.

04-26-2012, 07:02 PM
No personal experience, but Remicade (infliximab) in Hale is described as safe. It's a large molecular weight and studies of 3 breastfeeding moms' milk did not show any detectable levels. He concludes that even if it did, it is likely too large to be absorbed by the baby's gut. It gets an L2 or safer category. HTH!

04-28-2012, 08:54 PM
I thought there were more Remicade users on the board. I was hoping maybe with the board being down that my post just wasn't seen.

Bump! :bouncy: