View Full Version : DH- wake up on time!

05-25-2012, 07:04 AM
DH, I love you. But you take a commuter train to work so you have to be on time. Please stop slapping off your alarm! This is the second morning in a row where I woke up 30 minutes later to find you asleep. This means that after I get DD1 ready for daycare, I have to sit with her while we wait for you to finish getting ready so you can drop her at daycare. Inevitably DD2 wakes up while I am trying to entertain DD1. This leads to one or both children upset and crying. This is bad enough now, but will not work at all when I go back to work. Pull yourself together!
Your wife who can't be in two places at once

05-25-2012, 08:25 AM
I'm sorry! I've been there. I was getting soooooo angry every morning (and late for work). Finally, I said (not very calmly....) that I was going to leave the house when I need to, whatever condition you and the kids are in.

I hope you can find a solution.