View Full Version : I need house guests every week, so

06-16-2012, 03:25 AM
my house is clean and organized. I am amazed at what I got done today.

The house was trashed, things everywhere and it's been this way for months. I got it all picked up and back to it's original location and I only had to stash in the closet one lot of things - DS's artwork that I hadn't gone through yet. The garage is still messy, but I got many things put away and it's much better. I wiped down cabinets, cleaned under the sink, reorganized the toy cabinet, moped, vacuumed, dusted a bit.

I still have many projects to get done, closets to reorganize etc, but my house hasn't looked this nice in ages. Why can't it stay this way, or why can't I have a day of cleaning like this to stay on top of it better?

06-16-2012, 03:29 AM
Guests and playdates are the only thing that motivates me to really get the house clean. Otherwise I have found that a constant state of chaos is our new normal. Throw in that dh is on a 2 week trip and I am pregnant things have reached an all time low at our house.

06-16-2012, 09:20 AM
Entropy. I had a clean house until the arrival of dd. Now, it gets messy so much faster and I have so much less time to deal with it. Still, wouldn't change it for anything. :D

06-16-2012, 12:20 PM
I am the same way. I get really lazy when it's just us, but if someone is coming over, I'm like a mad woman cleaning up and even though it's a little bit stressful during that time, I'm always impressed by how much I can actually accomplish in such a short time. Too bad, I just don't have the motivation to always be like that, lol.