View Full Version : Rear-ending Woes

07-03-2012, 08:20 AM
I rear-ended a huge 25-30 year old pick up truck at a stop sign this morning on the way to work. If it had been a car with a bumper at a normal height, the damage would be nil, but of course this huge metal bumper tore in the right side of my hood .

The car still works fine, the headlights and blinker still work fine, I'm fine since I was only going a few miles an hour when I hit him. But the whole thing will probably be a grand to fix the body damage because that kind of stuff is just so expensive. I don't think my old Civic is worth more than 4 grand. ERG!!!

The other driver was this sweet old man. (He had previously been going 25 in a 45 and I was really frustrated by his slow driving). At this stop sign he started to pull out to turn left and so I pulled up, but then he slammed on the breaks since apparently someone was coming down the road too fast and he didn't think he had enough time to pull out. I never even saw him stop since I was already craning my neck to look right to see if I could pull out.

There was no discernible damage to his rusted out old beat up truck, thank goodness, so I didn't have to give him any of my insurance or information.

It's all completely my fault, and I'm so mad at myself for incurring this bill.

07-03-2012, 08:47 AM
Ugh, that stinks. It's so frustrating that cars cost so much to fix.

07-03-2012, 09:26 AM
Car troubles are so frustrating.

Been there on expensive mistakes - hitting a parked car, lost purse - you just want to beat your own head.

07-03-2012, 09:59 AM
Aw, man. Sorry.

07-03-2012, 05:11 PM
ohh, so sorry! that just sucks :(