View Full Version : If you used HypnoBabies for more than one birth

07-11-2012, 04:26 PM
DH has a calming specific voice he used when he read me the scripts to prepare for DS birth. Anytime he's jokingly used that voice on me since DS was born it literally puts me on edge and causes my blood to boil. It's a very instant physical response. I'm assuming it's a very Pavlovian response where it reminds me of the labor pain and triggers painful memories. Anyone else have this? I'm planning on starting the preparation for this birth next week at 32 weeks but I'm worried it won't be as calming because of my reaction to DH doing it. Did anyone else have a problem using it again?

07-12-2012, 01:57 PM
I used Hypnobirthing (Mongan) for my first birth, along with some extra tracks my instructor provided on a custom CD. In some ways I had more variety like Hypnobabies.

For babies 2 and 3 and I used the Mongan stuff, the additional CD from my instructor, and the Hypnobabies supplementary course.

I could never, ever have DH read me a script. I like to be off in labor land. DH knows I like him to be available, to see if I need a drink or anything like that, etc. and then to stay out of my way, more or less, other than a smile and support.

Reusing the CDs didn't cause the type of response for me. Do you feel relaxed just listening to the tracks through headphones, or do they put you on edge too? I found I preferred different tracks at different times and my preferences changed with each birth.