View Full Version : Stranger anxiety

07-20-2012, 08:41 PM
My baby has suddenly developed stranger anxiety. Bursts into tears within 30 seconds of anyone she doesn't know very well holding her and has even done it with just being looked at (big burly man that put his face into her carseat...understandable, but she would not have cared 1 month ago).

What do I do? Keep letting friends try to hold her or not? If they do hold and she cries, do I take her back right away? Or try to make her comfortable? Just not sure whether to make a point of exposing her to new people or whether to protect her and keep her with me until she is older. Thank you for any advice!

07-20-2012, 09:14 PM
It's a phase and it will pass. Just keep living your life normally. No need to avoid strangers. If someone holds her and she starts to cry, comfort her.

07-20-2012, 09:45 PM
When this was an issue for DD, it seem to help her if I held her and then talked to her and the person wanting to hold her in a positive tone to convey this person was okay. Gave her a chance to "warm up" to the person and avoid tears.

07-20-2012, 09:55 PM
Personally, I'm not a fan of strangers coming up to DS anyway so I pretty much tried to walk away. (DS isn't as bad as he used to be but yesterday in Target some random lady came up and was grabbing his feet. He stared at her like she had 3 heads and I just kept walking, maybe rude on my part, but sheesh!) It gets better. I didn't let people that were strangers to DS (like extended family) hold him when we were in chaotic new situations (like crowded family birthday/holiday parties where there is 30+ people, not really strangers, but overwhelming for a little kid!) Now at almost 15 months, he is too busy to really care much most of the time, although he has some FIERCE separation anxiety.