View Full Version : Books and videos on manners for toddler

07-22-2012, 05:31 PM
Any rec's on books, or videos to reinforce lessons on politeness to a 2 year old? He always says please and thank you. But I'm not sure how to teach respectfulness, tone of voice, and just the basic concept of being polite. When I tell him he's not being polite, he doesn't grasp what I mean.

He's very good around me. But around grandparents and people like the priest he is horrible. Says no to everything, rudely puts his hand up, etc.

We've tried hard to teach him manners, but his "polite" actions aren't backed up by a polite attitude. Does that make sense?

07-22-2012, 06:26 PM
2 is very young to get the meaning of polite. I just model, model, and model in front of my 2 yr. old. Also, we make it a point to be polite to each other (DH and I) so she sees politeness in action. I can't recommend a book or video though.
Although now that I think about it, DD watches and likes Clifford and they certainly have all these topics on their shows.

07-22-2012, 07:34 PM
I was looking at this series of books for DS as we have a biting issue, not sure if they are effective, but there is a manner's book...
