View Full Version : This is nothing, right?

08-08-2012, 10:49 PM
At the risk of putting way too much out there, I could really use some reassurance tonight. I have a mass on my right ovary. It's been there for a while and we've been watching it. It's painful and annoying, but has been staying relatively the same in size/shape/etc, so I just have ultrasounds regularly to keep an eye on it. A couple months ago it got significantly worse...it became "hemorrhagic" and "septated." I have googled these things. It seems like it's still MOST LIKELY nothing to worry about, but it might need to come out...especially since it's grown a lot (or at least it seems like a lot to me! A few cm making it around 7cm now). I recently moved and have had to switch doctors with this going on and I'm really not happy with the new doc (an OB/GYN), so I'm moving on to a highly recommended RE in the area. My appointment with the new doc is monday. Today I woke up and the lymphnodes on the right side of my body (same side as the problem ovary) are swollen. from under my ear to my neck, to under my arm, to my groin. All down that side. The only other time this has happened to me, I had H1N1...so maybe I'm getting sick? I am just nervous because it's the same stupid side. It's nothing, right? I can wait until Monday to talk to someone about it.

08-08-2012, 10:59 PM
Sorry you are dealing with this. I have absolutely no experience with this issue, but I think, given what you described, I'd wait for my appointment on Monday...barring no new symptoms -- fever, increased pain, etc. If things escalated I would seek medical attention sooner. Until Monday, I'd take it easy, drink fluids, take vitamins, etc. in case a cold/flu was brewing and distract myself.

The only other thing I was thinking was you could call the new dr's office tomorrow and see if there is any availability/cancellations that would get you in a few days earlier, for peace of mind.

Hope it all turns out to be minor and you are put at ease.

08-08-2012, 11:56 PM
Youre sick and stressed, I'm so sorry. That is just not a good feeling. If it was me, I'd probably request a sick visit tomorrow. NOT because of the ovary, that is surely a coincidence, just because that many swollen lymph nodes probably mean you are coming down with something. I hate feeling ill all weekend long, plus you visit with a new doc will be screwed up anyway if you're ill.

If you can't get in tomorrow for whatever reason (work, availability), don't let this ruin your weekend. Just remember your instincts are smarter than your worries. Just take it easy and pop some zinc/vitamin c to help stave off cold symptoms.

08-09-2012, 01:42 AM
I would try to get worked in early. The symptoms are probably not related but why wait if you can be seen earlier, kwim? I have had cysts that large removed as well and while it was certainly not a pleasant experience, things were so much better afterward.


08-09-2012, 02:23 AM
Ugh, sorry you are dealing with the sickness and the stress. For peace of mind, see if you can get an earlier appointment. I would definitely talk up the issues with the appointment line folks/nurses. I am sure it isn't anything, but the mental stress of waiting and worrying isn't worth it. I had an ovarian mass/cyst that was discovered during my first pregnancy that was removed during my c/s, but it caused tons of angst and worry all through my pregnancy. All the best to you and please keep us posted.

08-09-2012, 10:31 PM
So sorry! I would work on finding an ob/gyn with minimally invasive surgery experience. An re may or may not be the go to.

Please update us! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you.

Tondi G
08-10-2012, 02:22 AM
I had an ovarian cyst .... well 2 actually. They were approx 6cm each .... she said oh about the size of a small orange! Freaked me out but they weren't causing much pain or issues for me and they both resolved within about 4 months.

I have a feeling the swollen lymph nodes are due to some other sickness and not the ovarian issues! I second the rec to try to find a new OB/Gyn that you like.