View Full Version : Quick question for those that have used a bedwetting alarm.

08-14-2012, 10:56 AM
So we are on like day 11 or so of using the bedwetting alarm. I have a question for those who have experience using one. Did your DC start getting up a ridiculous number of times to go potty after using the alarm? DD1 is making great progress and I really can't/shouldn't complain. But, OMG, I can't take the # of night time wake ups. Last night I think she got up to go potty 10 times and woke me up each time to a)tell me and b)ask for help clipping the dang alarm back on her underwear. I'm more sleep deprived than I was when either girl was a nursing newborn!!! I'm glad she's dry. I'm glad the alarm is teaching her body to wake up (she never woke up to go potty before this). I just wish she wasn't now so hyper sensitive that she's up every 30mins.

Did this happen to anyone else?

08-22-2012, 02:03 PM
I hope this is going well, I was reading Ferber's Sleep book and there is a section on bedwetting, he advises once a day to try to have your child hold their urine to try to stretch their bladder to help with capacity issues. Maybe this would help? I lifted this summary from an Australian baby site:

Bladder training
The aim is to increase the amount of urine your child can hold. During every toilet trip for two days, collect the urine and measure the amount. If your child wees every hour or two hours, try to stretch it by half an hour every day until reaching a three- to four-hour minimum. Once a day, get your child to hold the urine as long as possible. Also, have your child practise starting and stopping the steam of urine several times.

Once dry for two consecutive weeks, give more fluids during the day so she gets plenty of practice at controlling her bladder.

Hope it helps, you may want to read the Ferber book, I'm sure the library will have it.

08-22-2012, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the info.

Thankfully, this issue has improved. She's only getting up 2-3x a night and she's figured out how to pull down her underwear with the clip still attached. She's no longer waking me up throughout the night.