View Full Version : How do you organize your gmail?

08-17-2012, 04:56 AM
I'm tying to go through my gmail and clean up the inbox. If you tag something, do you also untag it from the inbox. I'm going to have a huge inbox!


08-17-2012, 05:31 AM
oh, i never answered your simple question:

no, you do not untag it from the inbox! but as soon as you have tagged it, simply press the archive button while all your selections are yellowed. then they will clear from you inbox (which is just another tag/folder, really).

i set up filters. some rules are based on who is sending me stuff. other rules are based on tag words (for ex sometimes i send myself emails. in the subj line, if i add the word "recipe", my gmail has a filter set up to automatically tag it a recipe and archive it). even if unwanted mails land in my recipe folder, its not a big deal. if it really bothers me, i can go through it once a year and hand untag those.

for some rules, i have it archive immediately and look through them once a week or once a month. for others, i simply have the rule tag it and leave in my mail box.

a quick way to organize a completely untagged account would be to run searches, then narrow the search as needed, select all, then select all conversations and then add it to a folder you already have or to a new one right then and there. you can get rid of hundreds in 30 seconds if you havent archived any mesg.

anyway, it can be done! good luck!

08-17-2012, 06:06 AM
Duplicate post

08-17-2012, 06:12 AM
Where is the archive button? I must not be seeing it. - ETA, I found it.

Thanks for your help. I've gone through and cleared out hundreds of messages. I need to set up better filters and delete things I no longer need once I realize I no longer need them.