View Full Version : Annoyed by car seat adapters or lack thereof

08-23-2012, 11:43 PM
So just when I think I found the perfect car seats (Chicco keyfit 30) it does not fit the perfect stroller! (iCandy peach) What do you think is more important in the long run? You are lucky if you get 1 year out of a car seat as opposed to 3+ with a stroller. All car seats have to pass a certain level of safety so I was looking for more ease of use and what worked for a smaller baby (its for twins) I wonder if I should change my stroller choice, car seat choice or just hope they make an adapter by the time the babies are due. Im usually only a fan of babies in car seats in the car but with twins in the winter I dont think that is possible, we will want to keep them bundled. For anything longer we plan on using bassinets.

08-24-2012, 12:20 AM
Does it take graco snug rides? If so, I think I'd just switch car seats and get the graco snug rides. They are readily available, inexpensive and easy to use, IMO.


08-24-2012, 12:23 AM
I've never had anything other than graco car seats, but I personally would pick the stroller. I'm sure Chicco car seats are nice, but all car seats pass regulated safety tests. My kids are so tall they outgrow their seats at 9 months do I just got the cheapest graco. That being said.... The poor guy sleeps so much in his seat, I kinda wish I had gotten a more cushioned graco. We just spend so much time driving the older kids around.

08-24-2012, 12:42 AM
I agree that you should get the stroller you love. The babies will use it longer than the infant seats, so there's no point in getting a stroller just to fit when the carseats are temporary.

08-24-2012, 06:31 AM
I would pick the stroller. You are correct you will not use
The seats as long as the stroller.

08-24-2012, 06:34 AM
If the stroller reclines flat, you can just use the seat and skip the car seat when strolling. The baby will be more comfy that way.

08-24-2012, 08:13 AM
I think the gracos are a good choice, just make sure to get whichever of the models is rated down to 4 lbs (30? 32?)

08-25-2012, 09:25 AM
Actually this might be a good thing! We wanted to get the bugaboo donkey and the iCandy peach for our strollers. (a side by side and an inline) They have adapters for the maxi cosi car seats. On the iCandy peach you can only have a maxi cosi car seat for the bottom of the stroller. They make numerous car seat adapters for the top but to make it a double for twins we though we would need maxi cosi car seats. After looking and researching we decided that we dont love maxi cosi but are in love with the cybex aton which fit the maxi cosi adapters! They are lightweight, have excellent crash ratings, are rated for babies as small as 4lbs, easy install, and easy as chicco to fit into the base! We are in love! Crazy expensive and terrible canopy but we will deal. I plan on using the UPPA baby cabana for sun protection. Now im excited!

08-25-2012, 10:38 AM
Yes, the Aton is awesome - I'm not an infant seat person but it's the only one I'd consider using.