View Full Version : Goodnites vs Huggies overnight?

08-28-2012, 10:17 PM
We have a very heavy wetter, who is in size six huggies overnights for bedtime. We are starting to have consistant leaks, which usally means size up - but there isn't one! Will goodnites hold more, or are they just bigger? Anyone have experience?

Thank you very much!

08-29-2012, 12:38 AM
Goodnights are for kiddos after the pullup stage- that might be a pretty big jump from size 6 to that- they might hang off! Can you get a diaper doubler or insert? They have those at BRUs-

You could also try going to Overnight Pullups.

09-06-2012, 04:55 PM
pull-up overnites don't hold enough; the size six huggies overnight diapers hold way more.

The goodnites are so expensive... I was hoping they hold a lot for my heavy wetter, but it sounds like they're just very big pull-ups????

09-06-2012, 10:25 PM
We had good luck with the Pampers Underjams (We used them bc DD found the pullups uncomfortable and the Underjams were softer). She was potty trained during the day but not at night when we were using them. She between age 2 and 3 and way under the weight for them, but they didn't seem to gap at all. They would be really full when she woke up, but only leaked 1-2 times and only enough to make her pj bottoms a little damp.

I know other people have posted that they had leaks with them though, so it may depend on fit for your child.

09-06-2012, 10:45 PM
Pampers makes a size 7. http://www.amazon.com/Pampers-Cruisers-Diapers-Economy-Packaging/dp/B004Q8LM5O
We've used them successfully. DD finally outgrew those and went to goodnights/underjams. I *so* wish she'd be dry at night!!!!