View Full Version : To my very well meaning family members... (a PG BP!)

09-11-2012, 05:57 PM
I appreciate your excitement. Honestly, I do.

But can we just clarify a few things?

To everyone:

Yes, this is baby #3 but I promise you the labor and birth will still make enough of an impression that I will not forget to mention it. I promise. When there is something to announce, I will. Just like I did with the last two, remember?

You do not have to keep calling and texting. The random 'just making sure I shouldn't start boiling the water!' ha ha ha and 'Don't worry, I have the towels ready' ha ha ha calls stopped being funny about a week ago. Just so you know. Oh and "When are you giving me my great-granddaughter" makes me want to smack you, even if you are my only living grandmother.

Additionally - the questions about effacement and dilation? You do realize you are essentially asking out the status of my vagina, right? And you are aware that that is just never really appropriate, right? And you do know that it is ten times ickier because you are my dad, right? I get that all your kids were born by c-section, but you are an executive at IBM - I think you can grasp the basic mechanics enough to know just how strange those questions continue to be.

And to my mom and sister:

I still don't want you there. No, really. Yes, I'm sure. Thanks for checking again, but I still haven't changed my mind.

And no, this isn't 'your last chance'. You still have three other children (or two other siblings) of childbearing age and plenty of time to guilt them into allowing you to witness their children's birth. Please continue to sigh and pout as it just cements in my mind that I would not want you in that room in a hundred, million years.

09-11-2012, 07:29 PM
Sing it sister!! Hang in there.

truly scrumptious
09-11-2012, 10:09 PM
Your post reminds me of my last few weeks pg with DD and my family driving me crazy. Someone on this boad gave me this link and I sent it out to everyone bothering me, and told them to check this until further notice. Then I stopped answering my phone.


Hang in there. And Good luck!

09-12-2012, 05:56 AM
Your post reminds me of my last few weeks pg with DD and my family driving me crazy. Someone on this boad gave me this link and I sent it out to everyone bothering me, and told them to check this until further notice. Then I stopped answering my phone.


Hang in there. And Good luck!

I am "lucky" in a way, to be having a scheduled repeat c-section at 37 wks exactly, Oct.26th, 7:30ish am. People just find other ways to be irritating though.

09-12-2012, 06:33 AM
Sing it sister!! Hang in there.


09-12-2012, 12:01 PM
LOVE it! Don't you wish you could hit "send" in real life?

09-12-2012, 01:41 PM
*laughs* The cervix thing got me. :) I've never had an issue telling everyone where I was, but usually in such a way that they never want to ask me again.

That said I wish I could get some of yoru family's enthusiasm over here. MIL is somewhat flabbergasted that I'm pregnant again. (Never mind that SHE had three chidlren. It's just not DONE now.) FIL leaves in about a week to go hunting for a few weeks, so he may or may not be in town when little one gets here. My dad finally told DH about a week and a half ago that OF COURSE he was coming to help out when the baby gets here. Which shocked me since normally he's too busy helping my brothers take care of their kids to even really visit us.

09-13-2012, 07:35 PM
Hahaha very well said:)!