View Full Version : Post partum headaches

10-04-2012, 12:51 PM
Everyday I have a headache. It's a constant dull ache so not as awful as a migraine. My baby is three weeks old now. I'm not sure if this is related to the changing hormones or lack of sleep or maybe BF? Any advice on making it go away? Thanks!

10-04-2012, 01:07 PM
Are you drinking enough? I always have to drink TONS when BF, especially in the early weeks.

10-04-2012, 01:47 PM
Did you ever talk to your doctor after you lost that big clot? When I lost mine, I had a dull headache (I thought it was a sinus headache) for a week and a half. I also felt very tired. I was telling the pediatrician about it at DS's weight check and she sent me right down to OB. Turns out my levels were low (I forget what it's called, but when they check maybe your blood cell count??) and needed a unit of blood. I technically wasn't under the level but was close enough that they decided to give it to me. My headache went away immediately! I think iron would have helped (so I must have been anemic) but it would have taken longer to get my levels high enough. Just a thought.

10-04-2012, 01:54 PM
Did you have an epidural? I had excruciating headaches, only to discover my epidural injection spot did not clot and I was leaking spinal fluid. I had to have a blood barrier (injection of my own blood) and it stopped immediately.