View Full Version : What site do you like for cooking for baby?

10-16-2012, 09:30 AM
Title says it all. I have weelicious but it's a bit messed up. I want healthy and interesting recipes ideally. And also info - what to introduce when, tips to recognize an allergic reaction, and maybe some BWL too?

Many, many TIA!

PS - any suggestions for how to make green beans for the first taste? :bag

10-16-2012, 09:40 AM
I don't like green beans, so I didn't give DD any in her first year. My DH loves them, but I hate them. Find them bland and, if not cooked properly, bitter. DD is not fond of them either. She and I prefer broccoli. The first time we gave her green beans, she pulled them apart and ate the beans, but left the "shell." It's too much mess!!!

Anyway, people rave about WholesomeBabyFood:


I found the sample menus helpful for things I was worried about introducing - strawberries, milk, shellfish, etc. - but I pretty much ignored anything that involved "steam 'til mushy & then mash" because I did Baby-Led Weaning.

The BLW site offers some tips, but it isn't as nicely organized:


The site is a decent overview of the theory and methodology behind the approach. It does have a selection of "recipes" but, frankly, I never had time to prep things differently for DD than I did for DH and I, so I just cooked whatever and however & she ate. No harm, no foul, though I am finicky about certain things - preservatives, food dyes (I can taste food dyes, for example, so I'm picky about them already), allergens to a point, etc. - so I simply don't cook them.

I personally feel that opting for BLW over spoon-feeding has helped my DD be the confident and adventurous eater she is at 2.5, but, again that's just MY personal feeling. It still amazes my MIL that DD will eat things that aren't "kid food" while her 10, 8 and 6 year-old cousins won't touch anything if it's out of their comfort zone.

10-16-2012, 09:41 AM
With ds2, we didn't really do anything special and just gave him what we were eating. I remember giving him french toast at 6m b/c it was soft and seemed easy to eat (and I silently crossed my fingers that he wasn't allergic to any of the ingredients in there :)).

I did read, like and find value in the Wholesome Baby site:

I also like Dr. Sears' stuff- the website, The Baby Book and (I only skimmed this one but it gets good reviews) The Family Nutrition Book

Come to think of it, I did have some books like Super Baby Food and it was ok. I didn't really follow the recipes though. There are a ton of new books on the market since I needed them. I'd recommend a trip to your library and checking out a bunch of options!

10-16-2012, 09:44 AM

Come to think of it, I did have some books like Super Baby Food and it was ok. I didn't really follow the recipes though. There are a ton of new books on the market since I needed them. I'd recommend a trip to your library and checking out a bunch of options!

My cousin the nut liked Super Baby Food, which meant I didn't want to touch it with a 10-foot-pole. (It has value for her because her kids are sensitive/allergic to a whole host of foods, but I had no concerns.)

10-16-2012, 10:29 AM
we got a small food mill & just ground up some of whatever we were having. we ground it up after 'cooking' spices, but before the final salt/pepper/adjustments. it was wonderful - not much extra cooking if any, we'd grind enough for a couple of servings or put a couple in tiny tupperwares in the freezer in case we had another meal that wasn't good for grinding, he got used to normal flavors, we could advance pretty easily to just fork-mashing when he got a bit bigger & ready for more texture. i went on a week's vaca with him and that was the only time he got bought baby food.

i'd steam or boil the green beans then mill them. that will take out the fibers. om nom nom!

10-16-2012, 01:45 PM
I liked Smitten Kitchen Baby, but I believe she might have taken her site down. We also used a food mill as well.