View Full Version : Protocol for suspected food allergies?

10-18-2012, 01:16 AM
So I don't know exactly what my FB friend/IL relative is thinking but she has posted several times about how her DS gets a rash and hives each time she gives him strawberries.
Today's posts were along the lines of: "Poor kid, got the strawberry rash again, thought I could give him some again since it's been awhile since the last rash, guess not.
He is super puffy!"

So I feel compelled to tell her that allergies are not to mess around with and she needs to do xyz, and that I have heard of kids going into anaphalaxis (sp?) and that it can get worse at each exposure, etc.

What is xyz exactly? Get allergy tested at the doc asap to get it confirmed?

Based on some of her friend's comments she does seem to get that he should not have strawberries anymore.

10-18-2012, 01:26 AM
I would tell her not to feed him any more strawberries and make an appointment with an allergist for testing.

10-18-2012, 03:31 PM
Allergist for testing for sure. The worry, for me, would be two-fold. First, allergies seem to beget allergies, so the child may have other food allergies. Second, a simple rash reaction doesn't mean the next reaction will be the same or less, it could be much worse. Obviously, he needs to avoid strawberries in the future.