View Full Version : Doctor's appt from h**l . . .

10-24-2012, 09:12 PM
OMG. Took DD2 in for her 4-month checkup & shots today, and had to bring DD1 along due to a scheduling snafu. Figured it wouldn't be ideal but would be ok, she's come with me to appointments in the past and has been fine with some snacks, a coloring book, etc. We talked in the car on the way there about what I needed from her: sit quietly and read, color, be helpful, then we can go to the park. She's done it all before, she agrees that she's going to sit in the stroller and eat her snacks, she'll read and color, and then we'll go the park. All sounds great, right?

As soon as we got to the doctor's office, DD1 pees on the floor. Awesome. So we go the bathroom and she says she has to poop, sits on the toilet for 10-15 minutes (announcing that she really has to poop the whole time), nothing. OK, we get her dressed in dry clothes and go into the waiting room, running late by now and miss our slot so have to wait until the doctor's done with the other appointment. We proceed to have the wait/appointment from h**l. I ended up waiting for 30 minutes for the doctor, during which point DD1 scribbles on the floor with her crayons (we couldn't get it off with the paper towels in the room). She's pretty good during the wait, since I was reading to her, but once the doctor came in she started acting as if she were possessed. Essentially we didn't talk at all about DD2, but I spent the whole time trying to stop DD1 from destroying the exam room. She climbed on the exam table and started tearing up the paper protector, I strap her into the stroller and set her up with some snacks. She flips herself out of the stroller, rips her coloring book, rummages through the drawers, finds a basin under the sink in an unlocked cabinet that has a *used* speculum sitting in disinfectant and pulls it out . . . When she wasn't trying to destroy things, she was chattering/shrieking/singing loudly, asking the doctor to spin the butterfly mobile on the ceiling . . . It was seriously the worst hour I think I've had in my parenting life.

I swear we were the poster children for parenting classes. It was one of the worst hours of my life. I didn't have a chance to talk to the doctor about anything DD2-related.

I am not bringing DD1 along to an appointment if I can help it for a very long time.

10-24-2012, 09:15 PM
Hugs. Been there done that with my boys.

10-25-2012, 06:55 AM
ugh that is the worst. I am sorry btdt

10-25-2012, 08:25 AM
I have been there. That's when I walk out of the office sweating from effort and embarrassment.

10-25-2012, 08:34 AM
*hugs* So sorry you had a bad day. ;(

10-25-2012, 09:01 AM
We've all been there and each one of us cringed from the memory of it reading your post!

10-25-2012, 09:23 AM
We've all been there and each one of us cringed from the memory of it reading your post!

Yes. I have definitely been there. Taking 2 LOs to the doctor by yourself can really suck and make you feel like the most incompetent parent. :hug: I think the worst dr appt was when my DD (about 4 mos at the time) poked and scratched her eye. We had the wait from hell (since it was a "sick" visit) and by the time we were called, it was past DS's naptime (and he hadn't eaten lunch yet). DS of course was losing it.. and yes, getting into everything in the exam room. worst was The ped had to put some solution in DD's eye and turn the lights off to see if she had lacerated it. SHe was of course screaming bloody murder, and then DS was freaking out too in the dark and due to the screaming...i couldn't help hold DD down like the Dr asked bc I was holding another screaming kid down. He had to call in a nurse to help. I walked out of there feeling horrible.

10-25-2012, 09:58 AM
BTDT. Even worse is when it is the child who the appointment is for, because you *have* to bring them along. That is DS3 every time.

10-25-2012, 10:25 AM
Most doctor visits leave me wondering if my kids are the only ones who act totally horrible and unlike their usual self. I don't know why, but my kids always amp up their bad behavior for the doctor. And when I have them both together, it is a nightmare.

10-25-2012, 10:40 AM
I have been there. That's when I walk out of the office sweating from effort and embarrassment.

Soooo stressful!

10-25-2012, 10:37 PM
Oh man I was at the pedi today with DC and feel your pain. It was stressful, and I only have one! Totally walked out sweating.

10-25-2012, 10:56 PM
I always look at the nurse funny when she asks if I want to schedule my kids' appointments back to back. Um, no! I can barely handle one on my own.

So sorry this happened to you!