View Full Version : Has anyone worked out with Tracy Anderson?

11-08-2012, 10:12 AM
What do you think of her method? Level of difficulty? Results? I've heard her post-pregnancy workout is great.....

Any btdt much appreciated :)

11-08-2012, 10:37 AM
I have her mat dvd and love it. It is hard, but not in a pounding way. I can start it wearing whatever I'm wearing if I'm feeling lazy, and just strip off clothes as I go! I can also, now that I've done it hundred times, put it on a portable dvd player and watch a tv show I like, while getting a good solid workout. It's not really aerobic, but I am definitely sweating a lot by the end and my muscles have been worked all around.

It is pretty challenging, but I like that it doesn't feel dangerous for my knees or anything. I've heard that her dance videos are short on the instruction and can therefore be a little dangerous in terms of injuries. I've posted here a few times trying to get some advice on them (I'm ready for a new dvd myself) but didn't get anything back.

What's good about her mat dvd is you can work up to doing the whole thing. If it feels like too much the first time (or second or third), just take a break, and then jump back into the routine when you're ready.

These days I do it about once a week, amidst other exercise videos. I recommend it.

11-08-2012, 10:43 AM
Thanks so much! I will take a look at her mat ones.....