View Full Version : Teething and sleeping

11-09-2012, 04:46 PM
Follow up from my last question- if you have an approximately 7 month old who will only sleep when you hold her while teething, what is the best way to handle this? The last two nights I gave in and put her in our bed and she slept just fine however I don't think cosleeping on an ongoing basis is the best idea for us. I don't want her to get used to it and then not want to go back to her own crib but I don't know how many nights I can go without sleep. Any suggestions? We have had three consecutive nights of crying every time I put her down and one small tooth that has started to pop through.

11-09-2012, 05:17 PM
Have you tried an amber teething necklace? Idk if they work or not but my DD never had teething issues and always had it on throughout teething.

Also, I used to put her in bed with me the few times she would wake up crying and she always went back to her crib. I guess it depends on the kid, you could try.