View Full Version : %$#&*Chik Fil A Playplace!

11-09-2012, 08:11 PM
At chik Fil a right now. The past 2x we've been here dd has not been able to play because she is a total frady cat and the other kits are at least 6 inches taller than the cow's sign and running up the stairs whipping past DD who is clinging to the inside pole. And they have shoes on(!) which only bothers me because it bothers DD because she is such a rule follower. There is no nuance to her understanding about why I cannot police the play area. But, man I wish someone else did. I used to like coming here...

11-09-2012, 09:20 PM
If they're really rowdy, I tell them to stop. I do it in a nice voice with a "please be careful You don't want to run into the smaller kids."

ETA - I say "nice voice", but it's firm.

11-09-2012, 09:20 PM
UGH, i have so BTDT and i feel your pain. My kids used to get mauled so many times at play areas, by kids who are like 8 yo and up who are roughhousing(the sign says 42" and under only, but it's so outright ignored). I hate it when parents don't follow the rules. I am not looking forward to the Tgiving week, bc here school is out the whole week, and on top of that it's the time of year where parents often drop their kids off at the play area so they can get their holiday shopping done. Grr.

Actually i took my kids to the mall toddler play area today, around 11:30am, and it was SO NICE because it wasn't crazy crowded..i guess bc it's school hours and also it was lunchtime for most (mine like to eat lunch at 11:00). It was SO cool bc they actually got to play as it was intended vs. them being constantly being trampled and having their fingers stepped on by kids are who are way too old to be playing there.

11-09-2012, 11:32 PM
I pointed out to two kids at the mall play area that they were taller than the "You must be under this line" sign and that if they didn't calm down they would be in trouble. Of course there weren't any parents anywhere near that I could tell. It worked and they calmed down. I guess having been a 1st grade teacher makes me less nervous correcting other people's kids :bag

11-09-2012, 11:46 PM
If they're really rowdy, I tell them to stop. I do it in a nice voice with a "please be careful You don't want to run into the smaller kids."

You could also go to an employee, but they may not do much.

:yeahthat: I don't have any problem correcting other people's kids if they're disregarding rules in the way you describe. I honestly don't care if their parents/caregivers think I'm interfering.

11-13-2012, 05:33 PM
I always find that I have to evaluate each situation and find the right balance between "reminding" other children of the rules, talking to a manager to ask their own rules get enforced, and simply leaving the situation.