View Full Version : Radioactive Iodine Treatment - Any BTDT?

11-18-2012, 10:34 PM
My brother needs to have radioactive iodine treatment done, and is starting the low iodine diet tomorrow. The diet looks pretty draconian (no dairy, no shellfish/seafood/sea products, 5oz meat per day, very little grains/rice/beans). He's stressed about having enough to eat - he's 6'4" and broad (think college football player big). Any advice or tricks to get through this a little easier?

11-18-2012, 10:41 PM
It is really tough to find food, especially since you may be feeling ill and not up to cooking everything from scratch.

I didn't have a grain restriction. The low-iodine cookbook had some safe bread and we made several loaves of that during the diet. It helped to have a fallback food that was easy to grab and fairly filling (at least in the short-term).

Also make sure he has sour candy. The salivary glands really do take a beating and the candy helps immensely.

11-18-2012, 11:08 PM
Thanks. I'll have him double check with his doc and get more info about the grain restrictions. I'm pretty good at making bread, so this might help!