View Full Version : Screeching

11-20-2012, 01:22 AM
In a 6 mo old. It's like he discovered his voice. Occasionally happy screeches but mostly angry ones. We are pretty AP so it's not like we are slow to respond to him. Any ideas? DS1 had only a brief phase at a much older age when " inside voice" was enough to correct him.

11-20-2012, 07:14 AM
DD does it to, she's 9 months, and only recently started. We let her happy screech. But the angry screeches are usually because she wants something. I've been trying to ignore the screech, and then give her what she wants once she stops/switches noises. So for example, I'm feeding her, and she wants more. Screech. I ignore. She usually tries another (tolerable) noise after a bit, and I'll jump on it and give her the food when I hear the new noise. It's not perfect, but it has seemed to help....she still screeches, but if she doesn't get what she wants pretty fast, she'll switch tactics. I'm not sure it would have worked with DD at 6 months though....I've seen her start to figure out a lot more cause and effect only in the past couple months.