View Full Version : is this price good for wii?

11-26-2012, 08:50 PM

i am looking to get a wii maybe for family fun since we do not have any video games currently. I know everyone is gaga over wii u but i just want a regular one and there does not seem to be much current info about plain wii.

this is from bjs and is 189.00 with sing, sports resort, sports, rabbids?, comes with console , microphome, sports tools, .

does this sound like a good deal? i am sorry, i am just so clueless and this is a huge amount of money for me.


11-26-2012, 09:06 PM
The price for a regular Wii just dropped to $89. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Nintendo-Wii-Console-White/21944233?wmlspartner=seiFDCjAK/U&sourceid=20358997843196810551&veh=aff I would get this and a couple of games (you can get Wii games cheap this time of year) and see how your family likes it. My kids love it and I'm always finding cheap deals on games. I would get a sports one and Wii Play. ($20 and $7 on Amazon now). It's only a good deal if all of those games are ones you would want. The tennis racket etc. accessories really aren't necessary!

11-26-2012, 11:07 PM
I agree! Go with a basic console and a few games...the bundle has some stuff you'll never use.