View Full Version : Normal not to gain weight 10 - 12 months?

12-05-2012, 08:49 PM
My DD has not gained an ounce in 2 months! She looks chubby and healthy, but I am sure she has grown in height and was putting on weight weekly/monthly until 10 months. It does coincide with her crawling and pulling up/cruising but to gain nothing seems wrong to me. To show the difference this is her weight history:

Birth: 7.13 (lost a pound by 10 days however)
2 months: 10.10
4 months: 14.10
6 months: 17 lbs
9 months: 20.7 lbs
10 months: 22 lbs
12 months: 22 lbs

Just seems a sudden drop from a steady gain. She is eating more than at 10 months, although the breastfeeding did stop at 11 months. She has around 18 oz of formula...maybe that's not enough? She really does look chubby and seems content. Sleeps from 6:30pm to 5-7 am. I have no reason to worry except that it really surprised me when I put her on the scale for fun tonight and saw the number.

Philly Mom
12-05-2012, 09:52 PM
I would not worry at all. She sounds healthy.

12-05-2012, 10:15 PM
I would not worry at all. She sounds healthy.

:yeahthat: the growth slows down when they hit a year. I wouldn't be concerned unless my pedi was or if she was dropping percentiles. But 22lbs is normal for a 1 year old

12-05-2012, 10:52 PM
Very common, IME. They start getting mobile and don't keep the chub. Has she gotten longer? It can be hard to measure them at that age, but especially if she has gained length, I would not be concerned.

12-05-2012, 11:01 PM
Unless you are seeing other signs to be concerned about, I would not be worried about the lack of weight gain as a stand alone issue.

All three of my kids kind of stalled out between 9 and 12 months on the rate of weight gain. Depended on when they got mobile and what kind of food jags they were on at the time.

12-06-2012, 12:00 AM
Normal. There is measurement error, especially in an inexact home scale, and even in the doctor's office (different scales, human error if they don't wait for the scale to center). Most importantly, it's only a two month period and it does coincide with a time of greater physical activity for a child.

I had three kids who were slow gainers for the first two years. I worried about it, especially with my middle child who was a peanut for three years, and it turned out to be such a waste of time. That DD is now eight years old and, relatively, my heaviest child by far, so much that I asked the pediatrician if there were any concerns about her being overweight.

Go by the child, not the numbers on the scale. If she's healthy, meeting milestones, and thriving, that's your answer.

12-06-2012, 12:40 AM
Dd2 gained less than a pound between 9 and 13 months, but also started walking and running during that time. Ped is not concerned at all, just said she is starting to drop onto her long term curve, same as her sister and brother. She is also 22lb which is 70%tile for a 12 month old girl, fwiw.

12-06-2012, 01:03 AM
Same for my DD.

She was 7.13 at birth, 17.5 at 9 months, 18.5 at 12 months.

She didn't make it to 22 lbs until she was nearly 2 years old. Completely healthy, active, etc. She is 2.5 now. At her 2 year appt, her ped told me to find friends with 3 year olds so she wouldn't be bored because she was beyond 2 year olds in motor and verbal skills. (Just saying, her weight gain slowing down had zero effect on anything.)