View Full Version : A New Milestone

12-10-2012, 03:19 PM
I just had to share. I took the kids up for their ski lessons yesterday. It was snowing here so the parking lot was packed. We would have had to park a ways a way and take the shuttle. So I drove up front in the loading zone and got them dressed quick, gave them their skis and poles, and told them to go to their lessons. They each knew what group they were in and their instructor's names. And they did it, all by themselves!!!!!! Awesome!!!

Then I parked and hit the cross country ski trails.

And, we went to dinner on Saturday night to a decent sit down place. And they behaved like little people. My husband said, "I don't even need to leave the extra $5 just for the mess!!".

Eventually, I guess it had to happen. But I am still amazed!!! (they are 10 and 7)

12-10-2012, 03:49 PM
Yay! What a great feeling! But you know what this means now, don't you? They are growing up and don't need mom as much anymore. It's bittersweet, isnt it? I always get that twinge when my kids hit those milestones.

12-10-2012, 04:40 PM
That's so awesome! I have a nine year old and we are there with him. But we reset with dd, who is not yet three.


12-10-2012, 04:43 PM
You know, Lisa, I don't get those twinges so much any more. Of course, I do just about DIE when the big things hit--DS not wanting to be kissed so much, DD demanding to know about Santa, the sex talk with DS. ugh, ugh, ugh. The other, independent stuff--go, go, go!!!