View Full Version : Dedication service? (Jewish customs?)

12-20-2012, 02:29 PM
Sorry if this comes off ignorant, I googled but it didn't really address it...

My friend's husband passed away in Jan. She's not Jewish but he was so she has been observing most of the customs. She just posted on FB about his headstone finally being finished and soon they can have the dedication service. Is that something for just family or do friends typically go too...like a funeral? (Just trying to figure out if we should be planning to go to that or if it's a family thing.)


12-20-2012, 02:32 PM
We call it am unveiling but afaik it is only family. If you wanted to be there for her, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. I only have experience with much older relatives so not the same.

12-20-2012, 02:46 PM
Okay, thanks! I guess I will ask her about it, I didn't want to ask if it was an "of course everyone goes" type thing and make it seem like we didn't want to go. She's having a really hard time (also lost a daughter last year, has a 16 month old and 9 year old, etc. etc.), so we will probably try hard to go if she wants us there. I just don't want to intrude on a family moment either since we don't really know his family at all.