View Full Version : Anyone ever take the Morning After pill?

02-03-2013, 09:15 AM

Side Effects?


02-03-2013, 10:10 AM
I have, twice. Both times were after a condom broke, once with DH when we were dating and once with someone else before that. I didn't have any side effects. It caused me to have a relatively heavy period within a day of taking the pill.

In both situations, getting pregnant would have been a really bad thing for me, and I'm glad that I had the option of the morning after pill when my other birth control failed. When it happened the second time with DH, I was on the pill too, but I'd been on antibiotics and so we were using condoms to be extra careful. So, yes, I was using two different forms of birth control, and still ended up needing the morning after pill.

02-03-2013, 10:27 AM
Once. I had a headache the next day but it wasn't severe.

02-03-2013, 10:33 AM
Once - a LONG time ago before DH. The condom broke and I was still in college - would not have been a good thing for anyone.
I was a bit nauseous after, but I think that's actually due to my own stupidity - I put the pill in my mouth, then took a sip from the straw of my brand new, big soda. I thought the pill fell into the straw, but I couldn't be sure, so I had to drink the rest of my soda in one sitting.
Other than that, no side effects that I can remember. As for effectiveness - it worked.

02-04-2013, 04:15 PM
Once in my early 20's. Similar issue to PP's in that my first line birth control had failed. I had a lot of nausea with it, but only for 1 day. I did not get pregnant (thankfully).

02-04-2013, 04:44 PM
Once - a LONG time ago before DH. The condom broke and I was still in college - would not have been a good thing for anyone.

Me too. I don't remember any side effects. I did not get pregnant, so it worked.

Tondi G
02-06-2013, 01:52 AM
Yup, I've taken Plan B twice. One broken condom and one slipped off condom. The 1st time I felt kinda bloated and headachy after taking it. The 2nd time I didn't have any side effects. Oh and yeah it worked ... both times, no pregnancy.

I was able to download a coupon from the website in case you are going to buy Plan B. I figured if we could save a little, why not!