View Full Version : I am mothering way too many people right now.

02-25-2013, 03:12 PM
Why would anyone be so stupid as to try to lift a large tv by himself when professional movers are standing, empty-armed, 5 feet away? And there really is no excuse for that level of stupid when your FiL and BIL have owned and operated a moving company all their lives. And your wife, having grown up around movers, always ends every sentence about moving an object with, "bend with your knees, not your back!". But no, DH bends at his waist to pick up a large tv set and immediately pulls or tears something in his back. That was the first day we started moving. Since then he has been useless. He cant lift boxes or even bend over to unpack them with out moaning. So all day long he sits around whining that the house isn't getting unpacked fast enough and how messy it is. In the meantime, I'm left to unpack and finish cleaning. And to make sure he is even more useless, he takes muscle relaxers and pain killers so that he cant even supervise the kids while I unpack. So that makes 5 kids I'm babysitting right now. While I unpack.

Then let's talk about the subcontractors who STILL aren't done with our master bathroom because they are super slow. They need daily reminders to put their shoe covers on to protect our carpet. Every morning I need to ask them to put them on. one even countered back with," well, I wiped my feet real good.". Dude, I've been unpacking for 8 days straight. Don't give me any $hit. Just put the covers on. Oh and throw your trash away, not on the floor. The enormous garbage can is right behind you. I'm not your mother too.

02-25-2013, 04:54 PM
:-/ So sorry things are not going as well as they should be. Just try to focus on the end result. When everything us done and you are moved in and settled into your beautiful new home. Moving is the worst but new homes are worth it! Good luck!

02-25-2013, 05:08 PM
thistooshallpassthistooshallpassthistooshallpassth istooshallpass...promise!

02-25-2013, 09:41 PM
Grrrrrr how frustrating. I've been around workers doing renovations & it's shocking how filthy they leave the place. Lunch left out, garbage all over the place... I think that's just the way they work. Then it gets cleaned up by someone else. They really aren't used to working with homeowners around. All of which does not excuse their behavior.
Hope your DH miraculously recovers tonight so you can run away for a few days while hw does everything.