View Full Version : I just saw the future and it is scary.

03-16-2013, 12:16 PM
For those of you with older kids, this is undoubtedly nothing new.

So my middle son, cha cha is having a friend over for the day. My oldest is skiing. But as Gator was getting ready to go skiing, and the friend was settling in here, I realized, no one really wanted me around. I got lots of rolling eyes and kids saying, "no mom, no one wants breakfast." Yes, mom I'm warm enough. "No, mom, we just want to go hang out.". And no one listened while I asked them to hang up their coats or sit at the table to drink juice, or throw their juice pouches in the trash or anything else I've worked so hard these last 9 years to teach them. It was all about their friends. It was all about them being independent and not needing or wanting mom around anymore. Not in a mean way. They just want to exert their independence and have fun with friends.

And all I could think was that when they are all teenagers in a few short years, and each of them have a few friends over, I will be religated to waitress and busboy status. Sigh. I'm so old.

03-16-2013, 12:23 PM
:D It's just the beginning, but remember this.. they need a safe place to act up and exert their independence, which usually means mom! However, I really enjoy hanging out with their friends. When they are in the mood, they will talk :) I find it's helpful to spend one on one time with the kids doing something they like - that's when they open up to me.

03-16-2013, 12:32 PM
I hear you loud and clear. It is scary that the teen years have arrived early.

Tondi G
03-16-2013, 12:55 PM
Oh yeah Mama .... we are having a bit of that over here too. My DS1 is turning 12 in a few months. It's bittersweet .... you are proud of the people that they are becoming but sad that they are pulling away.

03-16-2013, 02:33 PM
I hear ya. I saw the future recently myself. DD1 was getting picked up by a friend to go roller skating. DH made her bring all her elbow/knee pads.

Friend looks at the bag. "Are you going to wear those?" Big eye roll from DD1. "No, my Dad made me bring them."

Oh yah. :rotflmao: Poor DH has NO idea what's coming!! At least I already know saying one thing and doing another will happen.

It's so hard to see them grow up!!

03-16-2013, 02:52 PM
Ugh, I am dreading the teen yrs too!ost boys clam up and don't want to talk yo or be around their moms at all, I am not looking forward to that part at all.