View Full Version : Long shot but anyone here thalassemic minor and gone through pregnancy

04-03-2013, 04:48 PM
Asking this for a friend who is and she had questions primarily around taking prenatals with iron and blood ferretin levels. She was also wondering if she should see a hematologist regularly throughout her pregnancy. Unfortunately OBs do not seem to be very well informed about thalassemia and it is really frustrating.


04-03-2013, 05:52 PM
I do not have thalassemia, but I do have an unusual blood disorder. I think hematologists are worth their weight in gold. Truly, I think they are some of the smartest docs out there. I think she would be best-served by consulting one.

ETA: in my case, I saw me hematologist maybe twice while I was pregnant. He communicated with my MFM regularly throughout pregnancy so that they right labs and such were ordered. I don't know how my MFM or OB would have handled it without the help from the hematologist.

04-03-2013, 06:34 PM
Thanks Megs. So 2 more questions-
how did you get your hematologist talking to your OB/MFM? I think that is critical but not sure how she should go about it.

Also do you think her condition warrants a MFM rather than a regular OB? How do you decide? I'd rather err on the side of caution and go with a MFM but wondering if there are any definitive reasons.

04-04-2013, 11:18 PM
Thanks Megs. So 2 more questions-
how did you get your hematologist talking to your OB/MFM? I think that is critical but not sure how she should go about it.

Also do you think her condition warrants a MFM rather than a regular OB? How do you decide? I'd rather err on the side of caution and go with a MFM but wondering if there are any definitive reasons.

1. I just asked that they copy records and send to her. The hematologist was fantastic and included a cover letter. The MFM was great, too. I'm sure that makes a difference.

2. In my limited experience, you don't seek out an MFM, you get referred to one by your OB who determines the need. I don't know if you can go straight to one on your own referral. The practice I was at didn't work that way. So, I'd say, see the OB for a consult and talk out these issues. Then, you can make an informed choice on which way to go.

Is your friend pregnant now or just planning it? If she's in the planning stage, she should do a consult with the OB and the hematologist.

04-08-2013, 05:30 PM
Thanks Megs. She is about 8 weeks now and going for her 1st OB appt this week, so I guess that would a good time to discuss all of this.