View Full Version : How much pressure is too much pressure in the pelvis?

04-05-2013, 09:39 AM
I walk a lot for my job. My office is about a km (1/3 mile) from my parking garage, and I walk that distance multiple times a day to see patients, go to meetings etc. I work on a large medical campus. Very often, after walking for the first 5 minutes, I'll feel quite a bit of pressure in my pelvic region with each step. However, every so often I'll get really sharp, stabbing pains in my pelvis with each step; so much so, that I'll begin limping. I describe the pain as being akin to the painful stitch in your side when you do activity after eating a meal, but it radiates across my whole pelvis.

Anyone else have this? Is it just normal pressure down there? I've told my doc about pressure but it seems to be getting worse and more stabbing. Is this because baby is just getting bigger and heavier?

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04-05-2013, 09:44 AM
I had that during both pregnancies. My doc said it was totally normal. It did get worse as I got further along.

04-05-2013, 10:03 AM
I had it too. My OB recommended chiropractic care and that did help some. Prenatal yoga was also helpful. My sleeping position also seemed to affect it and I noticed it was better when I slept on my side with a pillow between my knees and my belly resting on a little wedge pillow like this: http://www.amazon.com/Boppy-Pregnancy-Wedge-Cotton-Slipcover/dp/B00063EDF4