View Full Version : Tell me about your experience with laser hair removal

04-08-2013, 03:50 PM
I've been thinking about doing laser hair removal on my lip for a while, and today I bought a groupon for 3 sessions (and yes, I know I will likely need to get a few more, but I figured I'd start there). I usually wax it, but it will be nice not to have to do that. I'm curious to know from those of you who have done this whether you found it to be painful and how many sessions you had to do.

Also, when I made the appointment the person told me not to wax or pluck at all before the appointment (from now on), but that I could shave and that I should shave the day before the appointment. But, then I read online that you can shave, but shouldn't do so within a few days of the appointment. Honestly, the thought of shaving my lip gives me the heeby-jeebies. It's just an area where I've always waxed when necessary. So if you've done this, did you shave?

FTR, I am a brunette with slightly olive skin tones, but I'm relatively fair in complexion.

04-08-2013, 04:34 PM
I did it, but not for facial hair. I had legs, bikini and underarms done like 12 years ago. Best.investment.ever. That said, yes, it does hurt, but for small areas like upper lip, it's over in a second. You can take some Motrin before your appt. or even apply a local anesthetic.

I was told no waxing during the whole time the treatment lasted, only shaving, but no shaving a few days prior. After the second session, hair growth was minimal, I needed about 5 sessions IIRC.