View Full Version : Nursing and starting preschool..help!

04-12-2013, 01:00 PM
Ill try to make this short. DD3 is starting preschool in 3 months, she will be 2 and 8 months. For various reasons I seriously feel like this is the first time I am sending a child off to preschool. Of course it is really the third time. But DD1 started when she was 3 and even though I was still technically nursing, it was coming right to an end and she stopped very shortly after starting school. She also has a very chill and easygoing personality and was not such a hardcore nursing addict (like my two others). DD2 refused to go to preschool until she was 4, so that was an easy transition, she was no longer nursing by the time she went.
So here I am, feeling like my BABY is about to start preschool and I am totally freaking out to be honest. She nurses all the time. I put her down for a nap nursing, bedtime is nursing. Everything and everytime is nursing. I am ok with it right now, she is my last baby and even though I have had my moments of madness I know I treasure this time and there won't be another like it.
Now, she already knows about her "school" because I have taken here there to play, and she asks to go every day. It is a wonderful nurturing environment, and this place is everything I could dream of for a preschool (DD2 is finishing her last year there and we love it). I know that DD3 will love it but is the transition going to be super hard on her because she won't be able to nurse? I feel like such a dummy asking this, being on my third and all but I am feeling so lost.
Should I be making some sort of an attempt to cut down now? This has been tried and was not very successful...

04-12-2013, 01:11 PM
No need to cut down. It will happen naturally when she's at school. I went back to work full time when DD was almost 2.5. She was nursing around the clock, and I was worried about her being away from me for so long. But it turned out just fine. Yes, she wanted to nurse a ton from when I picked her up at 5 until bedtime. She nursed for another 7ish months until I weaned her when I was pregnant.

Many hugs. I'm sure your DD will love preschool. You have obviously raised her in a loving and caring environment. Kids are adaptable.

04-12-2013, 01:38 PM
My DS isn't an all the time nurser, just three or four times a day, but he did really well at a 9 to 12 preschool program this year. I think your DD will do fine...she will be having so much fun and be so engaged she won't think of nursing until she sees you again.

04-12-2013, 01:46 PM
No need to cutdown. DS2 is still nursing and nurses all the time (for naps, in the afternoon, evening) when he's home during the weekend, but during the week he goes to daycare fulltime and he falls asleep on his own with no problem.