View Full Version : Updated in original post: She said no! Fun Sweet Mojo Request

04-19-2013, 05:04 PM
Update: The principal told my son that he had met all the requirements, but because a dance would be a) inappropriate and b) other classes would start asking for one she was saying no. A family dance is inappropriate??

I am beyond pissed. The teacher who is the source of this is retiring this year. One year too late in my opinion. If all the classes are asking for dances... then why not start holding dances? The PTO President (who supported this idea from the beginning) said that families ask the PTO every year to hold dances.

The Footloose comparison is starting to ring true. Who knew my son was a rebel for suggestion this? My wild child.

Phone calls already made to local churches to see if we can use one of their halls. We may not be "appropriate" enough for the school but I think a church might be OK with us. Even if we are *gasp* dancing.

Original Post:

In a couple of hours... my ten year old DS and his best friend are going to present to the principal the reasons why they should be allowed to reserve the school auditorium for a small fundraiser family-friendly dance.

Ten year old boys. Planning a dance. They have a theme. They know what refreshments they want to serve, the date and time- everything. I'm sure they will request no slow songs. Because the thought of dancing with a girl is still somewhat frightening to them :-)!

If you have some happy, dancing-queen style pixie dust to send their way, I'd appreciate it! The boys have put a ton of effort and time into coming up with a plan. We've got the volunteers lined up, the school group any proceeds would be donated to has said yes, the PTO president wants to do it...

The only hold up: one teacher who doesn't think younger students should have a dance. She has been at the school for close to 20 years and is such a strong figure at the school she may succeed in stopping this. Cross your fingers for us that we can figure out a way to work around her.

Mojo appreciated!!

04-19-2013, 05:08 PM
Cute! Mojo headed their way!

Sarah :)

04-19-2013, 05:13 PM
That's adorable! Mucho mojo headed your way!

04-19-2013, 05:28 PM
Awwww, love this! Lots of mojo for the boys. They've done all that work, and it really sounds like an age-appropriate event...they just HAVE to say yes! Hopefully the old battle axe (was that my out loud voice) gets out-voted!

04-19-2013, 05:37 PM
Phooey on the old fuddy-duddy! Good luck, boys. :)

04-19-2013, 05:41 PM
How sweet! Hope it works out for them.


04-19-2013, 05:43 PM
Fingers crossed!


04-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Hope it works out and they get their dance!!:banana:

04-19-2013, 06:48 PM
Poop on the farty old fart!
I hope they get approved!!!

04-19-2013, 07:31 PM
Sweet! You'll have to let us know how it goes!

Tondi G
04-19-2013, 10:20 PM
So how'd it go? Are they getting their dance?

04-19-2013, 10:34 PM
Adorable! Mojo on the way. Let us know how it goes!

04-19-2013, 10:48 PM
Mojo on the way! It sounds adorable!

04-19-2013, 11:12 PM
We don't have an answer yet. I thought it went well but the other mom who was there thinks its a 'no' and she has more school experience. The custodian is out of town and the principal said she wants to check in with her before giving us an answer. The boys did fulfill all the requirements and technically if no politics were involved it'd be a clear yes- so I'm still hopeful.

04-20-2013, 09:08 AM
Crossing my fingers that it's a go!

04-20-2013, 09:35 AM
I really hope they let them do it.
If they don't, maybe they could do it elsewhere...it sounds like they have support and what a great lesson in planning, presentation and perserverance. :thumbsup: to your DS.

04-20-2013, 09:43 AM
People who are against having a dance? Do you live in the town where Footloose was filmed? :ROTFLMAO:

04-20-2013, 12:39 PM
People who are against having a dance? Do you live in the town where Footloose was filmed? :ROTFLMAO:

I hope they were victorious! How can you turn down such a well-thought out proposal???

04-22-2013, 07:42 PM
bumping up, update in original post

04-22-2013, 07:49 PM
Oh, how disappointing.


04-22-2013, 07:51 PM
I didn't see this until your update. I'm kind of floored! Our school has a dance every single year that is for families! It's actually a kind of fundraiser because all the profits from food sales go to the PTA.

04-22-2013, 08:02 PM
Is it a religious school with teaching against dancing? You should throw a dance in celebration of the old bag's retirement.

04-22-2013, 08:23 PM
No, this is not a religious school and there is no prohibition against dancing. It's a feeble excuse from an administrator new to her position and no doubt intimidated by a strong teacher. DH says, "It's a chicken$h1t answer." And he's right. I really, really like the idea of holding it in honor of the retiring teacher. And putting up a big Footloose poster.

UPDATE: GOOD news! Word is getting out and several other 5th grade parents are now determined to hold this dance!!! We may hold it off site, but we will be holding it.

04-22-2013, 09:23 PM
How disappointing that the leadership isn't willing to stand up to 1 person to do something that IS completely appropriate and that the majority of the population want. Grrrr. I'm hoping you end up holding it somewhere super-cool!

04-22-2013, 11:01 PM
I would make it a big dance party!! My kids have one at the day camp they go to. All ages dance. Kids don't pair up, they just sort of have a junior mosh pit thing where everybody has their own moves :D My kids love it. The counselors crack up watching the kids. I think you should totally do it!

Philly Mom
04-23-2013, 07:45 AM
Can't wait to hear about the dance. Sounds like it will be great. I am sure there will be some churches who would love to give you the space.