View Full Version : DD has horrible, raspy chest cough/fever but is breathing OK - not pneumonia, right?

04-21-2013, 01:52 AM
I put it all there in the header. DD1 (7) has had a stuffy nose/cold with green snot (sorry!) and a cough since about Weds. The cough is now a super chesty, congested cough, sounds awful. Once she starts coughing she keeps coughing for a while and it is a scary sounding cough. (not croup though, we've had that here before) She was draggy today and complained of headache - she measured 100.5 using the ear thermometer. I gave her ibuprofen before bed. Her breathing doesn't seem strained (except due to stuffy nose) and I can't hear wheezing. There's no reason to panic, right? If her breathing is fine, am I right that I don't need to worry about something like pneumonia? It's Sat night and I am worrying. :(

Advice on how to make her feel better and treat the chest cough would be welcome. Thanks.

Philly Mom
04-21-2013, 07:49 AM
DD gets like that often. I always take her in when it is prolonged and it is never pneumonia or bronchitis. Often it is a sign of an ear infection for her which is why I bring her in. She has a history. I wouldn't worry but if it is still going Monday there is no harm in going in.

04-21-2013, 07:51 AM
It could be a sinus infection. Or allergy/cold induced asthma.

04-21-2013, 07:58 AM
Typically for our kids, the worst sounding coughs were not wheezing or pneumonia. When in doubt, I have the pediatrician listen to their chests. Even after all of these years, it is hard for me to pick up a wheeze in DS and DD (even when present). In your situation, I would not panic, but I would plan to take her in tomorrow (sooner if she deteriorates, seems short of breath, exhibits stridor, retractions between ribs, and/or depressed diaphragm). I hope she feels better soon!

04-21-2013, 08:22 AM
DD is prone to pneumonia. Our doctor told me if the cough doesn't start getting better after a week, to bring her in. It seems that's the turning point for her - if it starts getting better it still may take another week or two to be gone but it will be gone. If it's not better or has gotten worse in that week, it's always been pneumonia.

04-21-2013, 09:08 AM
I would take her in for a check since she has the fever component. Hope she is feeling better soon!

04-21-2013, 09:39 AM
We've never had major coughs like croup or pneumonia here, but this winter DS did end up on antibiotics for what they called a lower respiratory infection. He was sick for about 2 weeks, not severe but he just couldn't kick it. We finally went to the ped and he said the infection had settled in the lungs and prescribed abx - he felt better almost right away. Normally I'm a wait and see kind of person when it comes to going to the doctor but in this case I wish I had taken him in a few days sooner.

Hope your DD feels better soon.

04-21-2013, 11:45 AM
The difference between pneumonia and a URI (Upper respiratory infection) is that the bacteria/infection/secretions are past the mainstem bronchioles and into the actual lungs. The lower respiratory system (i.e. lungs) is sterile, while your upper respiratory system is not. (Generally speaking) The usually clinical markers of a URI that converts to pneumonia is when someone has this lingering URI that doesn't get better, a bad cough, then they suddenly get worse and spike a high fever. However the classic presentation is not the only one. So if my kid felt OK and it was under a week and they were able to cough the crap up I would not worry. But then I would also listen with a stethoscope and be able to tell if the lower lungs are infected by the sounds. Most kids you can feel it also. If you put your hand over your child's upper chest on either side, or mid back on either side and ask them to slowly breathe you can feel mucous rattling around there if it is bad. The only way to 100% tell is to get a chest xray to tell if it's pneumonia vs another lower respiratory infection, like infection of the lower bronchioles or lung abscess. (Former much more likely!)

Given what you describe she could very well have pneumonia, or not. If she still feels like crap today I would call the peds and see what they want to do.

04-22-2013, 02:43 AM
Thanks so much everyone. dogmom, that info is really helpful. She was much better today, slept OK last night. Her fever returned in the evening, but again, pretty low - around 100, and she seemed less uncomfortable this evening. She is still coughing something awful - it's got this honking sound at the end of every cough that is really alarming. I'll continue to watch closely, but I'm feeling less anxious about it since she seems a smidge better than she was yesterday.

My younger DD had pneumonia last year and she went from under the weather to really sick and super rapid breathing within a few hours (in the middle of the night of course). That was pretty scary, and I think has me more watchful than I previously was.

Again, I so appreciate the quick responses and reassurance from everyone here. I love being on BBB at all times, but at no time more than these worrying parenting moments. Thanks for coming through.